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All posts in interior design

For the Boys

10 . 23 . 11

I realized recently that I haven’t been giving enough love to my male readers.  And yes, I do have them.  What better way to say I heart you than with a fall fashion and decor melange that was inspired by Jenna Lyons’ dining room above.  All the fashion photos are by my favorite street style […]

Dresses Heed Decor

08 . 10 . 11

While I was researching my Bill Blass posts, I came across a fabulous article from the May 24, 1963 issue of Life magazine entitled Dresses Heed Decor.  The tag line read, “as a man designs, so shall he decorate,” and it featured the apartments of three of the top fashion designers of the day, Bill Blass, […]

Fiddle Dee Dee

08 . 04 . 11

After seeing Grant K. Gibson’s beautiful Fiddle Leaf Fig tree, I have always wanted one.  Somewhere along the way, I heard that they don’t do well in New York.  While shopping for a tree in the Flower District, I learned that this information was just a myth.  You can own a Fiddle Leaf Fig tree […]

New Apartment Pics

07 . 28 . 11

It’s been challenging to say the least to work on decorating my apartment while keeping up with all my other work projects.  That’s definitely why only one side is finished or maybe I should say mostly finished.  I am sure I will make more changes and move things around as I continue around the room. […]

Blass Act

07 . 28 . 11

Since I mentioned fashion designer Bill Blass in my last post, I thought his One Sutton Place apartment deserved a little love.  I’ve found a lot more photos of the elegant apartment since I first wrote about it in 2008.  I still love his quote about interior design, “I have always thought that fashion designers are the […]

Minnie in Malibu

07 . 25 . 11

I wish I had seen the APT by LSD on Vogue.com feature on Minnie Mortimer‘s Malibu home earlier.  Since she’s an avid surfer, it would have made the perfect follow up to my Surf’s Up post.  I’m waiting for new bookcases to arrive so I was very taken with all her fabulous built-ins.  There is also […]

Chic Repeat

07 . 07 . 11

I’m traveling back to New York today but have lost my wi-fi connection.  If AT&T ever tries to talk you into buying MiFi, I definitely don’t recommend it.  Luckily, I had uploaded some photos of Calvin Klein fashion designer Francisco Costa’s New York apartment.  Even though I posted some a few years ago, I thought […]

I remember seeing Calvin Klein’s house in Miami Beach years ago in Vanity Fair and was excited to find the photos again recently.  It’s an example of a house that is not my design style but for some reason I just love it.  The interiors make it look like it would be cool and breezy despite […]

More Chic Stripes

06 . 30 . 11

As much as I love them, I don’t think I have the patience, energy or budget to have stripes painted in my new apartment.  But I was thinking that maybe I could handle them in the bathroom.  Black and white seems to be a popular choice as seen by Stephen Shubel, above who used them […]

Chic Striped Studio

06 . 29 . 11

I’ve received so many lovely comments and emails about my upcoming move but one reader from Amsterdam took things a bit further.  She emailed me photos to prove that you can live chicly in a studio.  Marijke Beumer is an interior designer in The Netherlands and lives in a beautiful studio that she decorated herself. […]

Parisian Dream

06 . 02 . 11

I’m swamped with work so until I can take a breath and write a post, I encourage you to head over to The New York Times. I loved the story of a designer who bought a little house in Paris.  It’s also a great reminder that it’s never to late to make your dreams come […]

Chic in Barcelona

06 . 01 . 11

I always think it’s sweet when my readers send me links to something they think I would like.  They are usually correct and I have to thank Pablo for alerting me to this great apartment.  It was designed by Ana Ros and although it looks French, is actually located in Barcelona. If you speak Spanish, […]

Parisian Chic

04 . 20 . 11

I recently came across another amazing apartment in Paris that was featured in the February/March 2011 issue of Côté Paris magazine. I absolutely love the living room and period details but not as much the bedroom’s wood paneling. But to each his own I guess.  A good reminder about everything in life, not just interiors. […]

Haussman Chic

04 . 18 . 11

I’m feeling slightly under the weather so I’m leaving you with this interesting Paris apartment.  Those of you who speak French can read the description on the Côté Maison website.  The rest can just enjoy the photos by Jean-Marc Palisse.  It’s not one of those apartments where I love every room.  Clean and contemporary kitchens and […]

High Point Market isn’t the only exciting thing happening this week.  It was just announced that Aerin Lauder will launch her own lifestyle brand named what else but AERIN.  The brand would include a cosmetics line to be sold at Estée Lauder counters as well as fashion, accessories, housewares, china, and jewelry much of which […]

I just picked up the January/February 2011 issue of Australian Vogue Living (we’re a month behind in the States) based on the photo above which also graces the cover.  It turned out it was part of the “home studio” of Barcelona based artist turned interior designer Lázaro Rosa-Violán.  I posted about this spectacular space last […]

I wrote about artist James Nares shortly after a began my blog which was almost three and a half years ago.  Since then, his work has shown up in many more publications.  I love seeing how great his flowing calligraphy brush stroke art looks in such a variety of interiors.  What’s even more interesting is […]