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tagged with the term outfits

I promised my followers I’d write a post on the fashion of film The Thomas Crown Affair so I put these three outfits together with chic pieces from Saks to get you started. They have so many great brands at a wide range of price points so there is something for everyone. Rene Russo as […]

Every time I post for one particular luxury retail partnership, I receive messages requesting less expensive options. For certain partnerships, I am often restricted to new deliveries or certain parameters but for almost all my other posts, I try my hardest to include fashion in all price points and with inclusive sizing. As I’ve mentioned […]

As you get ready to leave on your summer vacations and holidays, Saks has your outfits covered no matter where you are headed. I’ve put three together to help get you started on your chic travels. If you are headed to London, England for Chelsea in Bloom or Wimbledon this summer, you definitely need a […]

I asked my Instagram followers this week what things they needed for fall and I’ve tried to incorporate some of their answers into this second fall transitional outfit post. There are options for how to dress for going back to the office, how to dress for September when it’s still very warm, and how to […]

My dear friend Andrew Brown, and interior designer based in Birmingham, Alabama, celebrated his birthday in Zanzibar this year. I was so inspired by his trip that I decided to create outfits based on the colors of his photos. I started with the burnt orange terracotta tiles as inspiration from the first photo take in […]

I posted this image of Adele from the new issue of Vogue in my Instagram Stories last week. I joked that I had the hair and now all I needed was the blazer and shirt. A lot of my followers asked me to let them know when I found them and/or accessible versions. Well, ask […]

The weather in New York usually stays warm until October so you can definitely wear white jeans past Labor Day if you style them for the season. That means putting away your pastels and straw beach bags and replacing them with neutrals, darker colors, and heavier fabrics. It’s the time to start wearing camel, suede, […]

My friend Stacey used to work in finance in New York but moved to San Francisco a few years ago to work in the tech world. Her last two jobs were in very casual offices but she just started a job at a new startup with “a kickass female CEO who would never be caught […]

One of these days, the weather is actually going to warm up and it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. Spring also brings with it lots of events and holidays so I’ve already been planning out my outfits. Halsbrook is a great place for dresses and separates that transition perfectly from day to night. […]

I really can’t believe the end of the year is upon us. This year flew by which means it’s time to think about what to wear for New Year’s Eve. Not many people like going out in New York since it’s such a hassle but here are some ideas for what ever type of party […]

LA Outfit Ideas

02 . 15 . 16

I feel like I packed better for my trip to California last week than I have for past trips but I still get nervous about what to wear in Los Angeles. It’s much more casual than New York and encompasses lots of layers. The temperature was in the 60’s when I arrived which prompted everyone […]

Outfits for Italy

09 . 22 . 15

All of my trips run more smoothly when I plan out my outfits in advance but it’s even more important for my trip to Italy. I’ll be arriving in Milan for fashion week which will include lots of shows and events. Then I will travel on to Venice, Rome, and Florence.The weather will fluctuate from the 50’s […]

Since we will be attending so many events in Paris, I really did need to lay out all my outfits and plan them in advance.  You don’t want to get to your destination and realize you forgot something important like the right pair of shoes or your favorite necklace. Here’s a look at some of […]

I know I said I’d post what I was packing for Paris and I swear I’ll try to get to it soon.  I feel a little out of sorts living in my friend’s apartment. Hopefully, I will get on a good schedule once I get my own place. I’m taking these first two weeks as […]

What I Wore

09 . 13 . 12

Yesterday was my last full day of fashion week and I decided to go out with a bang. I wore a black dress to the Harper’s Bazaar breakfast but when everyone else went off to Michael Kors show, I decided to go shopping for a new afternoon outfit.  I headed over to the J.Crew Collection […]

I’m going to attempt to recap each day at the Spring 2013 shows at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.  We’ll see how far I get due to exhaustion and lack of time.  But I can tell you what happened on Day One.  I missed my first two shows for various reasons.  I managed to get some […]

Breaking the Rules

09 . 05 . 12

Everyone has heard the rule that you can’t wear white after Labor Day.  Rules are also meant to be broken.  I don’t think it’s appropriate to wear summery white clothes or anything linen after Labor Day but a little white can be fine.  If you are going to break the rules, I suggest pairing white […]