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All posts in interior design

At Home in Argentina

06 . 29 . 09

I received a lot of responses to the post on Etiqueta Negra store post. Seems many of you have been to the store in Buenos Aires and really loved it. You may also enjoy a peek inside the Buenos Aires country home of the owners Paula Cahen D’Anvers and Federico Alvarez Castillo that was published […]

Haus Interior

06 . 23 . 09

Elizabeth Street is my favorite Street in New York and now that Haus Interior has opened up, I have one more reason to love it! Haus Interior is owned by Nina Freudenberger, an architect and interior designer with amazing personal taste who is bringing that same chic style to her new shop. Run don’t walk […]

Surf’s Up!

06 . 23 . 09

Now that the calendar officially says summer, I’m all about summer related posts! I’m hoping my new adage, “if you post it, it will come” will bring about warm and sunny weather and what better way to begin that with surfing! Not real surfing mind you but decorating with surf boards. Seems it’s very popular […]

The first time I saw style scribe Stefano Tonchi’s apartment on Studio Annetta, I was smitten. Seems Suzy found the place featured in Spanish Architectural Digest which everyone keeps telling me I need to start buying and now its also just been featured on The Selby. I’ve combined the best photos from each and now […]

When I started my blog, it was really an online inspiration album of tear sheets of all the interiors that I loved and wanted to save for myself. Since then, it’s become a whole lot more. Now, when I post something I always have to think about how it will be received or if my […]

Summertime Blues

06 . 11 . 09

I feel like all it’s done in New York lately is rain so all I can think about is the beach and summer. That’s probably why this house in Southampton designed by Markham Roberts is one of my new favorites. I love all the shades of blue and accents of green mixed with the natural […]

Oh Baby Update

06 . 08 . 09

The best part of any project is when it all finally comes together and we’re almost finished with the baby’s room that I decorated! I won’t be able to show you the completely installed room until after the baby nurse leaves but you can get an idea of what it will look like from the […]

Perfect Timing!

05 . 21 . 09

I love when one of my blog posts leads to an email from a reader who has just the right answer for my design dilemma! Today I received an email from author Cathy Whitlock about her soon to be published book re-de-sign: New Directions For Your Interior Design Career (Fairchild Books, June, 2009) that will […]

For Sale

05 . 19 . 09

Who knew a little walk down Madison Avenue Saturday would turn out to be so interesting. First, I saw Fran Lebowitz waiting outside the Carlyle Hotel. Then I noticed presidential interior designer Michael Smith and a friend climbing into a taxi in front of the Ralph Lauren mansion. And while walking by the Stribling Real […]

Kimberly Ayres could have been another casualty of the demise of Domino magazine but since the photos of her home and office were taken by my friend Eric Cahan, I get to introduce you to this Designer to Watch for 2009 instead! Kimberly, like many designers, started out renovating and decorating her own houses while […]

Stalking Nate Berkus

05 . 16 . 09

I regularly stalk, I mean check out, Nate Berkus‘s website hoping for new photos of his work and this morning I was rewarded with not only photos but I little back story. Seems everyone is on a budget these days including his clients, one of whom asked Nate and his team to outfit “two properties […]

I will be out at meetings and appointments the entire day so I am leaving you with photos from fashion designer Derek Lam‘s chic Soho loft recently published in Bazaar. It’s close to his soon to open new boutique on Crosby Street which I can’t wait to check out. I’ve always had an affinity for […]

The best part of Friday evening was peeking into Amanda Nisbet‘s chic apartment! It was beautiful and elegant as well as colorful and comfortable. Not an easy combination yet it was perfect! Amanda teased me most of the not about not liking color which I assured her was untrue. I just haven’t had an opportunity […]

Contrary to popular belief, New York designers not only get along but enjoy each others company! It’s wonderful to be able to chat with another designer about work and commiserate about clients and learn from each other. And no where was this more evident that at interior designer Amanda Nisbet‘s apartment Friday night (above). Amanda […]

You know times are tough when even the top design firms are having problems. But everything happens for a reason and in the case of interior designer Harry Heissmann, it has led to the creation of Harry Heissmann, Inc. Harry is a beloved designer in New York who has spent the last nine years working […]

It pays to have friends in high places. Elizabeth Martin and Alexandra Wentworth went to boarding school together and when Alexandra needed an interior designer, she turned to her old friend for help. That help led to the cover of the May 2009 issue of Elle Decor! Don’t worry, I’m not ruining anything for you. […]

Going Gray

03 . 18 . 09

I was going through some old magazines recently and came across a Martha Stewart Living magazine from September 2005 that was a special decorating issue. In it was the gray apartment of the Martha Stewart Living creative director Eric Pike. It’s very serene and calm looks very Martha. Since it was a gut renovation, space […]