When Laurie Reynolds and I get big enough to open our own offices, we can look to interior designer David Lawrence and his new studio space for inspiration. The first design office I worked in was on the 4th floor of a brownstone and was such a mess that we were embarrassed when clients accidentally walked upstairs. The next was better but no where near as good as David’s new office. If I were a client and walked in and saw it, I would hire him on the spot! It’s beautifully thought out and decorated and is the perfect backdrop for David and his team.

I thought the console looked like a
Vladimir Kagan design and it is. If you aren’t familiar with his work, you should definitely take a look at his website. Kagan has been designing for over 60 years and has a gorgeous range of furniture.

David has excellent taste in furniture as witnessed by this T.H. Robsjohn Gibbins chest of drawers in the entry.

Who wouldn’t want to hang out in this beautiful room while waiting for a design meeting to begin?! I have always loved the
Poul Kjærholm chairs that are around the back table. New chairs are available from
Frtiz Hansen but David’s are vintage. I always tell everyone that if you ever see the vintage versions for sale anywhere that you should snap them up immediately! The new versions just don’t compare to the patina of the old leather.

This desk is also by Poul Kjærholm. The flowering branches remind me that I need to head to the Flower District soon!

The draperies can hid the office from the showroom space.

I am so jealous of the design library in David’s studio! I wish I had a wall that large for all my magazines and design books!

Even the work stations are chic! I love the framed architectural drawings and little topiary.

David’s office has a wonderful wall of windows and a
Snowball light fixture by Poul Henningsen.

David’s office has a large inspiration wall which any designer would covet!

He also has a little corner library and beautiful art in his office. From what I can see in the photos, it looks like a serene and spacious place to work and I look forward to seeing it in person soon where I will definitely be taking notes for the future! Thanks for the inspiration David!
Ugh, I want to move in! Heaven on earth. Thanks for the post, the pics and the pretty!
So beautiful, I would for sure hire him on the spot!
I am jealous of his design library, I wish I had the space for that.
Awesome post HC!! I also loved the one on Laurie Reynolds, it’s always fun to see how people live, especially people that are great at design but don’t have the million dollar budget…that shows true talent.
i love everything!!!!
wow, and I thought our offices were pretty nice! LOL I LOVE that leather sofa (which is saying a lot, normally I hate leather sofas!) I would so love to work there, fantastic!
It’s lovely, thanks for sharing!
If you create an office space half as gorgeous as David Lawrence, hire me please!! It is so important to have an aesthetically pleasing environment to work in! I’ve been told I make a mean espresso. :o)
wowza, is what my daughter would say!
What a spot to work. I would just move right in.
Agreed, I’d hire him on the spot too! Such a thoughtful layout. Beautiful pieces – just enough and not too much. Great post, reminds me to spruce up my own workspace. I am not a designer but letting myself get cluttered by work papers is not inspiring!
Glam and tailored…great combination.
It’s so great how personal it feels…not “office”. I love the lacquer on the coffee table in the earlier photos…
wow :0
very nice
Perfect inspiration for a girl who is currently cleaning her office and well took a blog break. Check out la la lovely’s post from earlier this week. All of Marthas little elfs workspaces. http://lalalovelythings.blogspot.com/2009/01/wouldnt-you-like-to-work-here.html
Thanks HC
Great post! I love his work. Looks like a studio you would fit into nicely…me too, hah!
Heather – I love, love, love the console and the snowball light. Keep the great info coming our way!!
enjoy your day
It’s so sleek and put together. I’d love to work in a place like this.
Thanks for sharing it!
Some great ideas here — thanks so much for inspiration. I sense a reorganizing weekend coming on!
Love the snowball light!!
LOL! His office looks great! I’m laughing because I’ve never seen a designer’s office look this neat.
I work in a showroom, and ours is always messy it seems like. I am so jealous of the really neat and pretty showrooms that are so clean they seem to sparkle!
wow, that’s all i can say..is WOW!
Happy Weekend!
David Lawrence’s really is gorgeous. I am proud to say I have seen it in person too..as I had an interview there last year! (didn’t get the job though ..but that’s ok ..no hard feelings.. 🙂