Mr. Mlinaric at Home
by habituallychic
12 . 26 . 08 I’m off to Shadyside to shop with friends and then catch my flight back to New York so in my absence, I thought I would leave you with a little treat. The New York Times had a lovely piece on interior designer David Mlinaric (pronounced mill-in-AR-ik) and his lovely flat in London. Just goes to show what you can do in a small space. For more information, click here. Cheers!
HC – As you know I am into simple in my small farmhouse in the midwest – thanks for the great article.
Happy holidays to you and your family.
old christmas toy
I LOVE shopping with my Sis at Shadyside when I am out her way!! Hope you find some great treasures there! I always do!
wonderful rooms. I really like the kitchen.
thanks for the inspiration. 🙂
Love the pale blue walls…so serene and peaceful!
Gorgeous! Didn’t I see book of his today at B&N?
Love it – thanks for sharing!
Susan – I admire that you live simply. If I had a farmhouse, I would probably clutter it up with lots of stuff!
Ivy Lane – hoe fun! Do you go to Toadflax? I love that shop!
Rhonda – so glad you like it!
jds223 – I love pale blue and if you read the article, he used it to reflect back to the river outside.
Hello Gorgeous – so funny that you mention his book. I was just looking through it at Rizzoli yesterday! It’s very pretty!
Suzy – glad you like it too! He has some very interesting pieces.
Fun fact: Mlinaric’s wife is a granddaughter of Freda Dudley Ward, the Duke of Windsor’s most famous pre-Wallis mistress.
I love that art is such a focus when you decorate a small space. A few paintings can go a long way…
Really beautiful, thanks for posting! I love your blog.
lovely simplicity