Interior designer Suzanne Kasler was tasked with designing the Great Room in the 2020 Kips Bay Decorator Show House in Palm Beach but the room was far from great when she first saw it. The large double-height asymmetrical room was devoid of architectural details and light. “What was great about the space was the volume, […]
There are 12 posts
tagged with the term suzanne kasler
Fall 2018 Book Brigade
10 . 02 . 18I’m going to have to make more room on my bookshelves for all the new design and coffee table books out this fall. I’ve already received advance copies of some of them and they are all interesting and inspiring. Some are traditional monographs from interior designers and others delve into original topics which means there […]
The Way Life Should Be
08 . 28 . 18While we’re on the topic of Maine, I love this home designed by architect Les Cole and decorated by interior designer Suzanne Kasler. I haven’t been to Maine in about 15 years so I think it needs to be on my must visit for next summer. The state’s motto, “the way life should be” certainly […]
The Way Life Should Be
08 . 23 . 17As excited as I am for autumn, I am feeling a little sad that summer is coming to an end. There were a few places I wanted to travel and didn’t make it to including Maine. The state motto says, “the way life should be” and this house in Maine decorated by Susanne Kasler looks […]
Suzanne Kasler for Hickory Chair
04 . 12 . 11One of the most fun aspects of High Point Market is that many of the designers are on hand to chat with buyers and the press. I always look forward to catching up with those who don’t live in New York like Atlanta based designer Suzanne Kasler. Her collection for Hickory Chair was originally based […]
Suzanne Kasler’s Inspired Interior at High Point
10 . 22 . 09Someone commented after they met Suzanne Kasler that didn’t expect her to be soft spoken. I said she didn’t need to talk loudly since her designs speak volumes for her! I feel like most people associate Suzanne with pink so it was fun to see this orange space in the Hickory Chair showroom, especially since […]
High Point Highlights
10 . 21 . 09I’m back from my first trip to the High Point Furniture Market and I had an amazing time! I am exhausted but exhilarated and inspired! I owe a big thank you to Furniture Brands for allowing me this wonderful opportunity! It was fun to meet the other bloggers on the trip, Cassandra from Coco + […]
Suzanne Kasler for Hickory Chair
06 . 06 . 09This is my last Hickory Chair related post, I swear! It was actually supposed to be my first but I decided to wait until after my trip to North Carolina to post it. I mentioned previously that I attended a lecture at the D&D Building where Suzanne Kasler spoke about how her new furniture line […]
Not Your Grandmother’s Hickory Chair
06 . 03 . 09The original motto of Hickory Chair was “chairs made better than seems necessary” and the motto today could be “furniture made better than seems necessary.” I wasn’t that familiar with Hickory Chair before my visit to their factories and showroom and now I can’t imagine how I designed without them! But what I thought was […]
First, I want to apologize for not posting yesterday. As you can imagine it’s a little hard at times to juggle my client work with writing the blog and having any semblance of a personal life. That’s why I love talking to other designers about how they started their own business because they all went […]
Suzanne Kasler: Inspired Interiors
03 . 23 . 09I’m seriously going to have to move in order to make room for all the wonderful new books being published this year! Suzanne Kasler: Inspired Interiors will be released in October 2009 by Rizzoli and I can’t wait. I can already tell it’s going to be a good one from the cover!
Art in Design
03 . 03 . 09One interior designer who I think has a great eye for art is Atlanta based Suzanne Kasler. I’ve always admired her work but have surprisingly never profiled her on the blog. Her style is definitely traditional but never stuffy and I think sometimes that might be due to the modern abstract art that either she […]