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tagged with the term antiques

I was first seated next to interior designer Mario Buatta at an event over ten years ago. He couldn’t have been more excited to have a fresh person to surprise with his fake cockroach prank. Decorating should be fun and it was refreshing that he didn’t take it all so seriously even though he worked […]

There is nothing that upsets me more than when someone buys an iconic or historic house and guts it, thus ruining what made it special. That’s why I was so astonished and happy to see that designer Francis Sultana kept the drawing room in the apartment that belonged to Fleur Cowles a similar beautiful shade […]

The January/February 2020 issue of Veranda arrived just before Christmas and it definitely felt like a present. The entire issue is devoted to Paris and the pièce de résistance is the Paris pied-à-terre of interior designer Micky Hurley and his family. The apartment is located in the same 17th-century hôtel particulier that had been overhauled […]

We lost some truly elegant women this year including philanthropist and art collector Jayne Wrightsman. She passed away in April at the age of 99 so she had a good long run. She also had a long run in her antique filled home at 860 Fifth Avenue. She and her husband Charles Wrightsman moved into […]

Interior Designer Nicky Haslam has leased the Hunting Lodge in Hampshire, England since 1978. He’s recently given up the lease and his collection of paintings, furniture, sculpture, antiques and books are to be offered for sale at Bonhams in London on Wednesday, 20 November 2019. “The Hunting Lodge has a rich history. It was built in the […]

I can’t believe today is November 1st. Where has the year gone?! The next two months will be busy with events and holidays so I’m taking a little R&R in Sag Harbor this weekend at Baron’s Cove where I always stay. It’s a little quiet off season but everything is open in town and the […]

While driving to the Plain Goods shop in New Preston, Connecticut, we drove past the home of interior designer Daniel Romualdez. The 18th-century former stone tavern had previously belonged to fashion designer Bill Blass but Romauldez has put his personal spin on the rooms without ruining any of the original charm. Landscape designer Miranda Brooks […]

Art historian and biographer Sir John Richardson passed away in March of this year at the age of 95 leaving behind a legacy of wonderful books and beautifully designed homes. His Connecticut estate already sold and now his New York apartment and studio has just come on the market with Compass for $7,200,000. The 5,400 […]

One of the most highly anticipated events of the fall season in New York is the auction of The Collection of Lee Bouvier Radziwill at Christie’s on 17 October 2019. The sale “offers a glimpse into her fascinating life, spanning her years as a prominent socialite, princess, designer, and witness to a momentous era in […]

Château d’Aunoy

09 . 19 . 19

I have to be honest when I say that I haven’t loved T magazine as much since Deborah Needleman left. It seems to cater to the hipster crowd now which is definitely not my domain. When they do feature something traditional, it’s only because the owners have added something contemporary but I guess I’ll take […]

I love my apartment and all my antiques and paintings but sometimes I dream about painting everything white and parring things down. The perfect example of this chic minimal look is the Connecticut home of Michael DePerno and Andrew Fry who are owners of the store Plain Goods in New Preston, Connecticut. I posted their home last […]

I just returned from Nantucket and while I get resettled, I’m revisiting the New South Wales, Australia country home of interior designer Cameron Kimber. It’s one of my all time favorite homes that I could easily move into without changing a thing. I’ve found more photos on Instagram since it was first published in House […]

Paolo Moschino Chic

07 . 29 . 19

If I had to choose another interior designer to decorate for me, Paolo Moschino would be on the short list. He learned his trade under Nicky Haslam and even bought the Nicholas Haslam brand in 1995 which makes this a little confusing since Nicky Haslam is still decorating but under the NH Design moniker. But […]

You can’t grow up near Pittsburgh without hearing about the Heinz family although I wasn’t that familiar with Drue Heinz. She was philanthropist and supporter of writers who was married to Henry J. ‘Jack’ Heinz II and died lasts year at the age of 103. Her collection of art and antiques from her Sutton Place […]

I’ve been following Hanna Seabrook of Gadabout Creative on Instagram for years where I would see snippets of her houses so I was happy to see one of them featured in Southern Living. Hanna and her family had moved to Louisville, Kentucky for her husband’s job for a few years and this is their home […]

It’s that time of year again. The Kips Bay Decorator Show House opens to the public tomorrow and I had a full walk through yesterday. Since I stared in coverage in 2007, I always like to start at the top and work my way down each year. There is always a younger designer given a […]

I find Pinterest incredibly frustrating lately. Just because I save one photo of a car doesn’t mean that I want to see a million photos of cars for the next week. I never even see pins from anyone I follow anymore so I have to go to their profile to see if they’ve posted anything.  […]