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There are 21 posts
tagged with the term heather and stefan take on paris

One More Week!

08 . 27 . 09

Next Thursday morning I will step off the plane in Paree! Hooray! It can’t come soon enough either! I’ve been busy trying to get lots of work done before I go which is why you are getting just a small post with one photo! But at least it’s a good one! If you want to […]

Planning for Paris

08 . 22 . 09

I’m a notorious overpacker but that’s mostly because I always like extra options. One of the best ways to avoid overpacking is to plan out all your outfits in advance. This is especially helpful if you are attending an event like a wedding where don’t want to forget your special shoes and accessories. In an […]

A few of you had some great shoe suggestions for Paris that I had never heard of so I thought I should ask if anyone has any off the beaten path restaurants or shops we should visit. Obviously we plan to visit all the sites and other usual suspects such as Deyrolle, Colette, R & […]

Vive la France!

07 . 14 . 09

I couldn’t think of a better day to announce that Stefan Hurray of Architect Design and I are going to Paris than Bastille Day! Neither of us have ever visited Versailles which prompted the initial discussion. Then I happened to mention to Charlotte Moss that we were thinking of going and she insisted that we […]