Last year, someone I follow on Instagram posted a few photos just inside 973 Fifth Avenue. The decor looked very intriguing but I couldn’t find much about the house online then. When I posted an exterior photo of the front door in my Instagram Stories last week, a kind follower alerted me to the fact […]
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tagged with the term gilded age
Gilded Age mansions rarely come on the market but now this one can be yours for $80 million. So let’s take a look at what makes it special. Although the six-story building at 1009 Fifth Avenue presents itself as a custom-built mansion, it was actually one a group of four houses, 1006-1009 Fifth, built in […]
The American Irish Historical Society is for Sale
02 . 01 . 21If you’re in the market for a Gilded age mansion, one of the last remaining ones on Fifth Avenue is now for sale. The American Irish Historical Society just just listed their landmarked 15,000 square-foot headquarters at 991 Fifth Avenue. The price tag of $52 Million townhouse that sits directly across from the south wing […]
The Breakers, Newport
10 . 29 . 20I had such a nice time in Newport, Rhode Island recently and inspired many followers to plan their own trips. But I know many of you can’t travel now so I thought I would post a virtual visit to The Breakers for you. It was interesting to visit the mansions during the pandemic and one […]