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tagged with the term beige

I look forward to September in New York every year but I’m trying to savor the last days of August. I always love how the light gets warmer and lower this month. It makes me want to switch to neutrals to prepare for autumn’s arrival. Here’s an ode to these days. Pablo Picasso Pure cashmere […]

I’ve flirted with color recently but I can’t escape my comfort zone of neutrals. Beige doesn’t have to be boring when you mix it with chic textured accessories and Net-a-Porter has the best options whether you are heading to East Hampton or Essaouira. For the plane or car ride, I’d start with the cream Ribbed […]

The reason I get so excited about fall is because it’s New York’s best season. It can still be quite hot into October though so I’ve put together an array of pieces that can be mixed and matched when it’s still warm and then can easily transition to cooler temperatures. If you aren’t into skirts, […]

The days are getting shorter and the light is getting lower which means summer is almost over. While I might be shifting to wearing neutrals instead of bright colors now, I don’t plan to give up wearing white just yet. It also means a good excuse for a color compilation post. Enjoy. Celine Chain Triomphe […]

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I think the mark of a great designer is someone who can make me like a design style that is not my personal favorite. Interior designer Martin Brûlé has created the chicest Art Deco abode in a building that did not have many redeeming interior architectural […]

A Change of Direction

07 . 29 . 20

It’s always around the end of July that I start to get sick of my colorful summer clothes and begin to reach for neutrals. It’s also around this time that I try to take advantage of the final days of sale season. There are still a a lot of good pieces left this year. I’ve […]

The days are getting shorter and the light is getting lower. That means I’m ready to shift my colorful summer wardrobe into neutral. That means an excuse for a color compilation post. Enjoy. Atelier Vime Alighieri fractured memory earrings on @monicaainley Similar swimsuit available here and here and here and here. Crocheted cotton-blend tote Via […]

While I’ve been adding navy and lavender to my spring wardrobe, I also love wearing neutrals. One of my favorite go to outfits is a trench or blazer paired with an ivory blouse, jeans, and flats. I actually wore this exact outfit on Friday when we had a brief warm up to 70 degrees. If […]

Creating Space Within

01 . 02 . 18

Interior designer Alyssa Kapito created this room for the 2017 Holiday House. While you may have already seen it all over the internet, I specifically saved it for this week. It looked like the perfect clean and neutral space to start off the new year. Then last night, I came across a great article Creating […]

Neutral Territory

05 . 24 . 17

I came across a photo of this home on Pinterest and realized that it’s epitomizes the feeling of my Shifting into Neutral post from Monday. I don’t know anything about it except that it was designed by Brian Paquette who is an interior designer in Seattle but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

Shifting into Neutral

05 . 22 . 17

I’ve never been one for bright colors, especially not when it’s insanely hot as it was in New York last week. As the temperature rises, I find myself pulling out anything white and light. I also appreciate neutral decor in the summer too. It’s as cool and refreshing as a scoop of ice cream. Vanilla […]


08 . 02 . 12

I challenged myself to wear more color this summer because that’s what every magazine and fashion blogger was touting.  The problem was that every time I did wear color, I wished I was wearing neutrals.  Sometimes you just have to stick with what works for you whether it’s fashion or decor related.  I’ve described my […]