Packing for Paris
by habituallychic
09 . 02 . 09 I just wrestled my ginormous suitcase out of the closet and I’m about to start filling it. You really didn’t think I was going to go to Paris for five and a half days with a carry on did you? I can barely pack everything for a short weekend in one! I really thought I could finish up all my work, get ready for my trip and blog everyday but that proved to be a ridiculous idea so you’ll have to talk amongst yourselves while I finalize my outfits and make sure I don’t forget anything. I’ll check in tomorrow before I take off. Bonsoir!
Photo by Miles Aldridge
A gal has to look stunning while in Paris. Drink some wine, have some pate and pack. Have a wonderful time Heather.
You have a great time and I can’t wait to hear about it when you return! I haven’t been to Paris in 7 years (!), it’s completely fabulous!!!
have fun!!!! no one should go to Paris with just a carry-on…you need extra luggage for all of the goodies you will bring home!
okay, you act like you are going to the MOON. give it a rest heather, people go to paris ALL THE TIME…every day, in fact!
I am sure that you will look ravishing.
Travel light…and have a glamourous time.
bon voyage.
Actually, Alexandra Stoddard has written a WONDERFUL book called “Everything I Want My Daughter to Know”. Go read the chapter “Travel Heavy”. She makes a pint to take everything she MIGHT need on her travels!!!
Au Revoir!
Have a wonderful time! Can’t wait for all the Paris posts!!!
Have a wonderful (and stylish) time!
Best piece of Paris-travel advice i ever received…
If you’re going to the Musee d’Orsay (which is a must-see in my book!)…be there when it opens and start at the top and work your way down. You’ll avoid the crowds that way!! Make sure to check out Picasso and Rodin too! And….I hope you’re headed to the flea markets?! Eat some crepes for me!
Remember to leave a lot of room for all that shopping!!!
I just discovered you recently and wondered where I’ve been along? Been reading your posts on Paris and Versailles with interest~One of my fave things to do in Versailles is rowing on the lake. A box of Laduree macaroons optional but truly makes for a delightful Marie Antoinette moment…Bon Voyage!
Good luck packing, and have fun! And show us your fabulous outfits, if you have time!
I’ll add salt to your wounds and say I packed everything into a carry-on -even left it 1/2 empty for all the goodies we’ll be getting! Of course -while there I’m sure I’ll be like ‘oh no, i forgot this and that!’
ArchitectDesign: You’re a guy, so no comparing! Girls need more luggage. Have fun on your trip.
* Heather, KNOW you are just TOOOO EXCITED, & I’m so HAPPY for you to be able to do this!!!
It will be the trip dreams are made of, no matter WHAT you are wearing….
BUUUT, YES… S*O*M*E of those Parisian women (with, dang it all, their mile-long legs! *My DH lovvves THAT part of Paris ESPECIALLY!*), DO have great fashion sense. While people-watching in an outdoor cafe’, you’ll sure as heck see tho, A LOT OF JEANS~~~ sometimes paired with VERY STUNNING jackets/ shirts or “whatever”… such a wonderful “look”! Unfortunately tho, that’s the EXCEPTION nowadays, rather than the rule!
SOOO, my suggestion?: Take a few fav designer jeans, some chic tops and save space for things to bring back! (My BFF made me laugh when she said “who really CARES, Linda? You don’t KNOW those people & you’ll never SEE them again!”… she was right (technically) in THAT sense, of course, but I just couldn’t go “TOURIST TACKY! NOT in PARIS!!!…
ENJOY * ENJOY * ENJOY*, my young friend!
Linda in AZ *
Have a fabulous time and bring COMFORTABLE SHOES!!! The Flea Market can kill your feet in half a day!
Don’t listen to “Michael.” I want to hear all about Paris!!! Never been 🙂
Ah girl, I am screaming of excitement for you! Have a great time!
So Michael, when was the last time YOU were in Paris? Want to share all your great info? Don’t bother, I’d rather hear Heather’s version…
A carry on won’t even hold our shoes! Have a super fabulous time!
It is refreshing to hear how excited you are about your trip to Paris, and if I were you, I would feel exactly the same. People just don’t get excited enough these days!! Enjoy every minute of it, Heather, I am sure it is going to be amazing!!