Remember when I posted about Denbigh Farm being for sale and then the interiors? Well, now you can bid on the furnishings in April at Stair Galleries. “The Collection of Susie Hilfiger at Denbigh Farm represents the life-long interests and connoisseurship of a family whose name is synonymous with style, luxury, and uncompromising taste. Furnished […]
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tagged with the term stair galleries
John Richardson: A Scholar Collects Auctions
08 . 31 . 20Sir John Richardson, the “renowned Picasso scholar, curator and bon vivant” was an inveterate collector as seen by the rooms in his lower Fifth Avenue loft and Connecticut house. He also had exquisite taste and now some of his fabulous finds can be yours when they come up for auction at Stair Galleries and Sotheby’s […]
Mario Buatta Auction at Stair Galleries
03 . 04 . 20I didn’t realize that interior designer Mario Buatta was such a hoarder. I was going to call him a collector but after I read that the first floor of his Gothic Revival home in Thompson, Connecticut collapsed under the weight of the furniture stored inside, he was upgraded to hoarder status. Although, he was definitely […]