Off for Some Fun in the Sun
by habituallychic
01 . 07 . 15I’m off to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands today for a few days of fun in the sun at Caneel Bay. I’m leaving just in time to miss another arctic blast headed for New York and can’t wait to sit on the beach.
India Hicks is based in the Bahamas, not where I’m going, but I couldn’t resist posting her photo above. She uploaded it to Instagram the day before Christmas and I can tell you that I definitely ate less over the holidays. She is my new workout inspiration. If she can look that good after four children, there is definitely hope for the rest of us. She also has a fun 12 Things She Can’t Live Without feature in the new Elle Decor and a new book India Hicks: Island Style coming out in March 2015.
There is always someone who doesn’t actually read my post and thinks a photo I’ve posted is of me. In this case, I probably won’t be correcting them.