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How to Buy My Paris Guide for 2025

by habituallychic

01 . 14 . 25

I’ve posted the directions on how to buy my Paris Travel Guide for 2025 in Instagram stories and in one of my Bon Weekend posts but it seems to be getting lost. Since people are always messaging me and asking how to buy it, I thought I should create a dedicated blog post so it’s easier to locate.

First, I want to take a minute to thank the over 4,969 people who have purchased it to date and so many have sent me messages telling me how much it helped plan their trip and navigate the City of Light.

For those who might not be familiar with me, I founded the blog Habitually Chic in 2007. After visiting Paris twice in 2013, I decided that I wanted to experience living in Paris. This guide was started by me in 2014 when I moved to Paris for three months and was traveling back and forth every six months afterward. I update it before and after each trip and keep on top of what to do in between trips through the many chic Parisians I follow on Instagram.

This is not a full comprehensive guide to tourist Paris but an insider’s guide of the new and classic restaurants favored by those in the know, the best stores to shop for things you might not be able to find outside of France, and all my favorite museums. I updated it after I returned from a month in Paris between April and May 2022, after spending two weeks in Paris over Thanksgiving 2022, and after spending two weeks again in April 2023 and another two weeks over Thanksgiving 2023. I continue to update it weekly, if not daily, so you are always getting the latest up to date information regarding restaurants, hotels, and museum exhibitions.

Right now, the my Paris Guide a 79 page long PDF document. I have actually ordered Paris guides from other people online and while their guides might look well put together with photos and fancy graphic design, they were always light on actual useful and practical information.

I also have literal receipts to show how many other Paris-centric influencers and travel agents have purchased my guide to use for their own gain.

The first 21 pages of my Paris Guide cover etiquette tips, helpful hints, how to say things in French, how to dress for every season, how to get shop at the luxury stores, how to deal with détaxe to get the VAT back, and how to get reservations, among other topics. The Paris Guide itself is divided by arrondissement which helps you plan where to go in each neighborhood. It also includes addresses and opening and closing times for my favorite hotels, stores, museums, restaurants, and more.

A Google Map link is also included so you can see everything laid out across the city. The key to the map is color coded and broken out by type of place such as hotels, shopping, restaurants, museums, and more. The Google Map will automatically update if I make any changes or additions. New additions can be found at the bottom of each category on the map legend.

As a bonus, I also include a separate PDF of the restaurants and cafes that are classics for lunch and dinner, as well as my favorites so you can easily make your reservations. I’ve also added an additional free supplement outlining all the latest museum exhibitions and art fairs. There is also one more supplement I’ve added on but I’m keeping it a secret just for purchasers.

You can either print the guide out or save it to your documents. I also saved it to my Files on my iPhone so I can reference it while I’m out and about. The Google Map link can be saved as a bookmark in your internet browser on your computer and phone.

My Paris Guide took years of work and because it’s so extensive, I’m charging $50.

There is no link to order so please follow these directions on how to order.


There is no link to order. The way to order is to send $50 via Venmo to @habituallychic with your email address in the Notes section. You do not need to enter the last four digits of my phone number.

I also accept PayPal by my email address habituallychic@gmail.com. Please also include your email address in the notes section.

I only accept Venmo or PayPal. Do not click on any pop up ads. If you are asked for your credit card number, you have clicked on an ad. I do not ask for or accept credit cards.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t include their email address so if you forget, you can send me a DM via my Instagram account or email me at habituallychic@gmail.com.

If you send payment with your email address during business hours, the guide is usually emailed out immediately or within an hour. If I happen to be out, I will send the guide when I get home. If you send payment overnight, I will send the guide via email in the morning.

I haven’t created a link to order because I am often updating the guide and I prefer to send it out personally. You will receive multiple PDF docs. This allows me to easily update the guide.

I am not currently accepting checks or credit cards.

IMPORTANT: The Paris Guide email will sometimes end up in your Spam or Promotions or even the Trash folder so if you don’t receive it in one day, please check your Spam, Promotions, and Trash messages. You may need to refresh the folder for it to appear.

I am no longer responsible if you delete the email without saving the guide on your computer so please take the time to save it and/or print it out. It will not be replaced.

As I’ve mentioned, my Paris Guide has been in the making for ten years and includes all my first-hand experience dealing with Paris and the French. One of the main reasons I offered it for sale is because I know Paris and the French can be intimidating and difficult, especially with the language barrier. I walk you through everything to help you easily navigate the city and its residents so you can have the best possible trip.

Merci beaucoup!