Chic Design Reality Show Scoop
by habituallychic
05 . 15 . 10 I really don’t like design shows on television. If I see one more messy house or piece of painted plywood furniture, I’m going to go postal! That’s why I was excited to hear that some of our favorite designing divas are currently shooting a pilot for what they are touting as a “chic design reality show.” Former Domino editor Sara Ruffin Costello and former House & Garden editor Kim Gieske, who also do design work, will pull back the curtain on the design world of New York which will include appearances by their equally chic friends including Celerie Kemble, Cynthia Frank and Lucy Sykes. No word yet if their designer friend Miles Redd has agreed to be join the reality show realm but I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed! I bet he’d be fun to watch! I do know that they will be shooting at Sara’s show stopping townhouse in the West Village, seen here, and at ICFF so if you see some chic design people being filmed, make sure you say hello!
Oh ! I love this blog, you got incredible ideas and things about all. I will visit you every time.
You are exactly right – I can’t stand most of the “do it yourself” crap they come up with on those shows! This would definitely be an amazing show with amazing designers. Let’s hope they stick to design and away from personal reality-show drama…
-elizabeth (
love the “going postal comment” ..if this happens i will be tres excited! I love Sarah’s style, and her hubby’s work!
What a breath of fresh air that show will be!! I love this space– so restful and tasteful. Lovely. Thanks for sharing!
I hope it’s a good show!! That first room is the one I modeled my living room after ♥
Heather, love these images, very exciting!
Giveaway by Beth Cosner Designs is up on my site….come visit
Art by Karena
Fabulous idea for a show….if these images are any indication, I will love this new series on TV!
Wow, what a great blog:)
And soo chic – i like it!!
I am currently liking “9 by Design”.. think that is the best design “reality” show out there now.. hope the one you posted about today also becomes a “reality” will be great to have a few to watch and learn from… “Sarah’s House” and “Design Inc.” with Sarah Richardson… Happy Weekend!
Yea! You made my day – what fun news. Can’t wait to watch.
It will be amazing to see them at work and discussing design!
Sounds like we are in store for some really good tv!!! Can’t wait till it airs. Thanks for always letting your readers be ‘in the know’!
This is such good news. If I see one more painted plywood “art installation” I am going to scream. The only two shows worth watching IMO are Sarah Richardson and Candace Olson. Thanks!
Can’t wait for this show. I love DIY on blogs…but rarely in shows. Tear.
What a breath of fresh air that would be. But I have to say I have had enough of all reality T.V. and no longer watch any of it.
You had me at…Chic Design Reality Show! Fab pics and fab idea for a show, shame it probs won’t be shown in the UK, though.
what a great news! I must admit that I don’t mind DIY thrifty shows,but it would be great to watch classy and chic designs…you can actually learn something new.
greetings from Montenegro
Sounds sooo fun! Too bad she’s selling/sold her townhouse, loved that design.
LOVE her living room – it is so inspiring. One of my favourites and the most interesting I have seen. Thank you for showing the rest of her home. That was a treat. All fab!
This will be amazing! Thanks for the scoop!
Love the blue and white colour combination and decor!!!