At Home with Robert Kime
by habituallychic
05 . 07 . 20
As most of us finish up our second month of home confinement, I wonder how many people are currently reevaluating the decor of their houses. I certainly wouldn’t want to live with anything that I truly didn’t love. One person who looks quite happy with his living arrangements is legendary decorator Robert Kime. House & Garden published a video tour of his London flat today and I could watch it all day. His melodious voice is the soothing hug we could all use right now and I love all the stories behind his treasures, especially since none of them cost that much.
“I don’t know how you describe romance actually but some objects have it. They just have something that makes them more than themselves. If you’re interested in them, you can communicate it and they can communicate it too. It’s just magic. It’s just how life is.”
It’s the same as what many of us refer to patina. I don’t think any home will truly have a soul unless there are some antiques which give it a sense of romance and history. Any space that’s full of everything new reminds me of a soulless hotel room and that’s definitely not how I would ever want to live.
I posted a small photo tour of some of the pieces I’ve found along my travels in my Instagram Stories and they are saved in my Home highlights.