Happy Birthday to Me!
by habituallychic
04 . 18 . 10I love this photo. I posted it two years ago on my birthday and I think I might make it an annual tradition. What could be better than a paper crown and a doll in a cake?! I also want to thank everyone who already sent me lovely birthday wishes! I really appreciate your continued support and encouragement! Here’s to wonderful birthdays for everyone this year! XOXO!
happy birthday hc. may your b-day wish come true. enjoy your posts, thank you.
Great quote from Lucy. Cute pic! And doll in b’day cake is precious…
A very happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday! Silly question, but is that you in that cute photo? Happy Birthday to me as I have a birthday this month too!
Happy Birthday Heather!! Wishing you all the best for another successful year!
Happy birthday Heather! wish you health, happiness, success and prosperity!
Hope you had a great birthday! Us April babies are the BESTEST around! 🙂
Happy B-day Heather! Hope you have a wonderful day 🙂
Happy Birthday Fellow Aries! 🙂
It was my birthday too a couple of days ago! Love your blog!
Cheers from Athens, Greece.
Have a wonderfully stylish birthday!
Hope you are wearing your paper crown today.
Happy Birthday to you!
Hope you have a truly special one and that you’ll celebrate with loved ones.
Many happy returns.
x Charlotta
Dear Heather,
Happy birthday! (Time difference, sorry about delay.) I wish you a wonderful year, and I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and interests on your blog, I appreciate it very much. (The only blog I take the time to read, really.) I hope you had a great day.
Best Wishes from Erika in Stockholm.
Happy bday!! x
we share the same birthday! Happy Birthday & I really love reading your blog!
Too cute! Happy Birthday! Love that Lucille Ball quote, its perfect. And, now dying to read “An Education” (still have not gotten to see the movie)! Have a great one.
Birthday wishes to you! I adore your blog. xoxo, B
And I thought the doll in the cake was a southern thing! I used to get those as well — so fun! Happy Bday!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! Make it memorable!
Hartelijk gefeliciteerd (which means Happy Birthday in Dutch). You still have the same bright smile!
Double Happy Birthday wishes–dolls in cakes! Thanks for all of the wonderful posts over the past two years!!! Blessings. Mary and Jones
Heather, just figured out how to comment on your blogs!!! I’ve been receiving your blog email for about 6 months and it has enriched my life in so many ways! Both by what you see, how you see it, what you say about it, what you share about it; and by exposing me to so many other wonderful bloggers.
You are a generous, tireless, enthusiastic and CHIC woman and deserve the BEST.
happy birthday heather! looove that photo because i loove those doll cakes 🙂
I think that would be a great idea. This picture is perfect. Happy Birthday Heather. =)
to a woman of incredible style, I wish you a very Happy Birthday! Celebrate well !!!!
happy birthday! hope you’re having a great one. I always enjoy reading your blog.
Happy Birtday!!! Love that photo!!
Happy birthday! Terrific photo!
Although I’m a bit late, I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday, Heather. I hope it was a special day for you. Cute photo- I had a doll cake and a very similar outfit to yours!
That’s a fantastic quote. Always lie about you age! Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday! I enjoy your blog…it always leaves me a little homesick for New York and wanting more…
That seriously is the best photo ever!
Happy Birthday and many happy returns. Love the photo!
Happy Birthday, Aries girl! You still look as cute as you did in your birthday photo!!! xoxc
That is the loveliest picture! My grandmother made me so many doll cakes when I was little. I felt so very cool and of course I was 🙂 Enjoy!
happy bdayyy
Happy birthday Heather. You were a cute kid (which is no surprise). Cheers.
that bday cake rocks! what a happy day for a happy girl!
So sorry I missed this! I wasn’t on my computer much yesterday. Happy Birthday, Heather!
happy birthday! the 17th was my birthday too!
Hope you have a fantabulous Happy Birthday! What a great photo too 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! may you have many more wonderful blogging years to come! 🙂
Happy Birthday! mines the 16th (all the good birthdays are in April)!
Happy Birthday – April 17th is my birthday also. Hope you have a wonderful year :-))
I missed your birthday!
Happy Belated… hope the next year is even better than the last.