April in New York
by habituallychic
04 . 19 . 21
Rumors of New York’s death have been greatly exaggerated. The city has been fully operational since last summer but it’s really come to life this spring thanks to the vaccines. It mirrors the blooming of the flowers and trees which is putting everyone in a great mood. We all predict that the city will be fully back to normal this fall but there are signs it could be even sooner. I had a birthday lunch outside at Le Charlot on Sunday with six of my fully vaccinated friends and the place was packed inside and out. There were so many people walking past on their way to Madison Avenue and Central Park too. Today we just got word that Bemelman’s Bar at The Carlyle Hotel will reopen on May 11th and I plan to be there with bells on. April in Paris may be famous thanks to the song but April in New York might just be giving it a run for its money.

Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic