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The YSL Connection

by habituallychic

12 . 16 . 08
The Bachelor’s step-mother gave him the C&B Italia sofa that currently resides in his apartment. When I met with her, she told me that Yves Saint Laurent collected the same furniture. I tried to find a photo of it earlier this year but to no avail. So I almost fell off my chair when I saw the photo above of Yves that was taken by Horst in the Grand Salon of his apartment in Paris for a November 1971 Vogue spread. Not only is it the same sofa but it’s the exact same color, see below. I’m not sure The Bachelor will appreciate the connection but I think it’s pretty darn cool!

One of my savvy readers alerted me to another photo of the C&B Italia sofa that was posted on 2THE WALLS. It was originally published in Architectural Digest in 1976 and looks fabulous!

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  1. jezebel December 16, 2008 | 4:41 pm

    I posted about Yves yesterday! “What Yves Loved,” was quivering with his presence.

  2. Habitually Chic December 16, 2008 | 4:48 pm


    I wrote about Yves yesterday and the day before. Great minds thinnk alike. I personally love the sarcophagus.

  3. Lauren December 16, 2008 | 5:32 pm

    that’s awesome!

  4. Anonymous December 16, 2008 | 6:54 pm

    The 1970s quality of the piece really makes sense when you see it in that first photograph.

  5. maison21 December 16, 2008 | 7:19 pm

    how freakin’ chic is that? love the leather tufted modern sofa with the mirror mantle, rock crystal obelisks and slightly creepy goose statue.

  6. Habitually Chic December 16, 2008 | 7:21 pm

    Lauren – I think so too!

  7. Habitually Chic December 16, 2008 | 7:22 pm

    Anonymous – Yes, looks less 70’s when mixed with other pieces. Could also be Yves hippie hair 😉

  8. Habitually Chic December 16, 2008 | 7:25 pm

    Maison21 – You have to read the entire article and look at all the other photos! So ridiculously chic!

    P.S. C&B Italia furniture is worth A LOT of money today so if you ever come across a piece in your travels, buy it up on the spot! The tag on the sofa is under the right cushion. Bonne Chance!

  9. Carrie December 17, 2008 | 3:27 pm

    That is pretty cool!

  10. hansaxel December 17, 2008 | 5:51 pm

    I had never seen this. YSL looks awesome in this gentleman-hippy look… And the sofa is a clever pick: the bachelor’s mother is truly a style expert

  11. the sweet life with olives December 17, 2008 | 7:01 pm

    oh it might be lost on the bachelor but it is super darn cool!