The Social Event of the Season!
by habituallychic
10 . 15 . 08 I guarantee that no client could get a hold of their interior designer last night to discuss their decorating emergency because everyone in the industry was at the Williams-Sonoma Home store opening party! The place was packed with more than 800 guests and I ran into old friends and made a few new ones during the night. I was very excited to meet Ron Marvin who’s apartment is a favorite. I think my excitement might have scared him a little so sorry about that Ron! Ashley Whittaker couldn’t have been sweeter and also has a few bachelor clients which was funny to talk about! My friends wouldn’t let me leave until I talked to my design idol Steven Gambrel. He and I actually met briefly late last year so it was funny to give him my card and tell him that I styled it after his! Eddie Ross and Ondine from Top Design were also there, as were my friends from Flair. So fun! I unfortunately missed getting a goodie bag though! I hope there wasn’t anything too fabulous in it!

I was there as well! Wasnt it fabulous people watching, dispite the heat? I was really impressed with the scale and proportrions of the upholstery pieces. Great for a fast track projects. See you thursday!
After having watched the Top Design, I have to say that I don’t like Eddie Ross at all. He is terribly rude and obnoxious. Who calls their client “dork” on national tv? He seems to have such a high opinion of himself, I was really turned off. I know you met him, but after seeing him on TV, do you still like him?
Looks like fun — great photos!!
I’m glad that they’re moving east! Now we just need one here in DC!!!
I had no idea they were opening a store in NYC. Glad to hear this – now I can fondle their products in person rather than virtual fondling on the web. Their price points are pretty high though – how did you think the quality of their products matched up with the tag?
I’m a huge fan of WS Home, I’m just keeping my fingers crossed they come to Chicago soon. Although the store in Indianapolis does make visiting the in-laws much more fun!
Haute Decor – I’m so sorry I missed you but I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow! We are also going to be checking out their upholstery for a few projects!
Anonymous – I brought up the fact that he was mean in the last episode and he said they edited everything together and if you watch, he’s wearing five different outfits so they sliced different pieces together. So far, Eddie has been nothing but nice to me. If you think about it, everyone thought Rachel Zoe was going to be awful and she turned out to be very sweet and nice. You just never know.
Sabina – it was so much fun!
Be the Change – I’m sure they have a plan for opening in other cities. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Mrs. Limestone – I think the prices are very high but compared to what our upholster charges and they have a shorter lead time.
They only way I can explain it is that WS Home is too expensive for me and most people but it’s actually reasonably priced for all our wealthy clients!
Jenny – If they have one in Indianapolis, I’m sure one must be coming to Chicago soon!
Looks like a fabulous time and an even more fabulous store! I am sure it will be a while before Cleveland gets a Williams Sonoma Home store…Anon 1:14.. I follow Eddie Ross’s blog…everytime I leave a comment, he sends a personal response back to the email. ALWAYS very cordial, sweet or professional. The fact that he takes the time to do that (probably for everyone that comments) is amazing to me.. Go check out his blog. He is a great design source with lots of good tips.
I am new to the housewares addiction and this blog is my favorite. I love the photos you post and I especially like that this is a “nice” blog- no foul language or catty comments. It’s just sweet and polite. Thank you!
Love the pics and really hope you get to finish the Bachelor Pad while he still has $$$!!!
I have to agree w Anon re Eddie. While some of it is edited, his facial images and insults to others certainly make me wonder about his character. Good TV i guess.
I love WSH and did a post some week ago. Great inspirations. Any chance to have representation or store in Australia?
Ah! Those little touches of zebra print sprinkled throughout the designs make all the difference!
Looks like it was a great time!
I am a fan of the catalog, but have never purchased anything from it. It will be wonderful to be able to inspect everything first hand. Glad you had fun!
I love this store – it’s my favorite retail chain store.
I just had the Ashbury chandelier with ivory raffia shades installed in my brown dining room and it’s so gorgeous!
I am still trying to track down that Phillip Jeffries raffia wallpaper (was hoping to find it for less than $500/roll! through the store).
I’m so bummed. I decided not to go to this at the last minute. Can’t wait to hit the store and check it out. By any chance are you going to do the NYJL tour of homes this weekend?
Please show us what your card looks like (inspired by Steven)…sure it’s fab!
Ivy Lane – I’m sure they must have a plan in place to open stores in many big cities so we’ll have to wait and see.
I saw Eddie again last night and he really is super sweet. I can only imagine how tired and stressed everyone must be on Top Design while they are taping so I’m sure everyone was cranky at one point or another.
Anonymous 6:17 – thanks! I think there is enough bad news and negativaty out there. I try to keep things positive and upbeat because design should be fun!
Puhvis – We’re definitely out of money so I had to paint the ugly light fixture instead of replacing it but it’s just made me more resourceful and innovative!
Eddie really is a sweetheart and as I said before, I’m sure everyone had their stressed out and cranky moments on the show and the producers just chose to make Eddie the bad guy this week.
Viera – I’ll have to ask about Australia. I wonder if they have any plans to go international.
Juxtaposition – It was a great time and the store looks very beautiful.
Brilliant Asylum – I am looking to source an upholstered bed from them for a client so I will have to let you know how that goes. I’m curious to see how long the custom orders take.
Hello Gorgeous – We get Phillip Jeffries in NYC through Holly Hunt. Maybe they can get you a better deal or I’ll have to see if I can find a cheaper source for grasscloth wallcoverings.
Courtney, I’m not touring any homes this weekend but I might go to the flea market!
Anonymous 9:45 – I am in the process of redesigning them so maybe after that I will show you. I originally went through Vista Print but if they can’t do a border, I might check out some other places.
I doubt I could afford this store either, but how fun to go and get ideas and inspiration!
Was thrilled to get your blog update email showing the opening night of WSH. Always following your blog and appreciate your eye. I’m a designer for the WSH store in Portland, Oregon but my partner and I are vacationing in Paris…was a treat to see/hear that the evening was well received.
BTW, the grey shagreen boxes are a fav’ of mine this season too…along with the black subtle pony hair ‘giraffe’ pillows. So many designers find shopping at WSH a great way to buy the art, accessories and textiles that finish off a project.
I’m so jealous…
Thank you so much for sharing! There won’t be one where I live for a bit I’m sure, only ever been to the one in St Louis. I shouted you on my blog, you always bring the best!
would love to see steven gambrel’s card, and your card that was inspired by it!
This store is too small…not enough to see!!!