London Calling
by habituallychic
10 . 21 . 08 There is a beautiful photo in the November 2008 issue of American Vogue and unlike usual spreads, they actually gave credit to the owner, London decorator Veere Grenney. I know he’s already been profiled on other sites including one of my favorites, Studio Annetta, but I thought his work was too beautiful not to post again. I love how he incorporates the artwork into each room and on his site he mentions that many of his clients are collectors. Must be nice! He also has a lovely line of fabrics, lighting, rugs and furniture and will be featured in the November 2008 issue of Australian Vogue Living magazine. Enjoy!
Crisp, smart, yet sensual too. A bit chilly here and there but altogether admirable work. I’d be happy to hire him!
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous and I wouldn’t change a thing. Thanks for sharing his gifted works.
Beautiful! It is windy and cold here in Cleveland..heading your way HC! These photos are so warm and inviting! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Stunning. Truly beautiful.
How on earth did you know about the new Vogue Living before I did?? 😉
Thanks for the mention. I’m still in love with those rooms, so it was a pleasure to see them all again.
I’m in love with the detailing under the stairs. I like to think of myself as creative, but it would never strike me to embellish there.
What a gorgeous post!
wow… funny tho that in that uber posh atmosphere, they have a fish screen saver on their computer.
pure elegance!