Another Great Bachelor Pad
by habituallychic
07 . 16 . 08I came across some old tear sheets recently of John Demsey’s bachelor pad from an old issue of Elle Decor. I have no idea what month or year though. House and Garden published it again in in November 2007 after Mr. Demsey had married. I love looking for the changes that were made so I’ll try to see if I can scan it in soon. Until then, you can check his great art and furniture. And that fabulous bookcase. But then again, I’ve never met a bookcase I didn’t like! Enjoy!
UPDATE – I was just reading the House and Garden story this morning on the subway and the designer of the Demsey apartment is Bibi Monnahan. She is also working on a new project for him that should also be fantastic! Can’t wait to see!
Don’t hate me, I like your work much better, it has a true “soft masculinity “- I guess, what I mean to say, it is for the perfect gentleman bachelor. It is not trying too hard to be somebody. Show more of your work.
I cannot say how much I dislike those hand and foot chairs. I appreciate the quirkiness, but I would never want them in my home or have to sit in one (well, maybe I would sit for just a minute to try it out, but other than that… ick!).
To each his own!
those hand/foot chairs freak me out.
Those GORGEOUS wood floors are driving me crazy!
I love the photography. The blown up print of Liza and Andy Warhol is too good.
haha i wanna live here! either that or marry this guy,
Love it all, especially the photogrpahy and the way it’s displayed on the shelving and floor. Very cool!