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tagged with the term inspiration

Every reality show has a break out star and Patricia Altschul has become the grande dame of Bravo’s Southern Charm. The fourth season just debuted last night. Her bon mots and advice are legendary so it’s no surprise that she has a book on etiquette and luxurious living about to be released. The Art of Southern Charm will […]

Happy New Year!

12 . 31 . 16

Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go. – Author unknown

Happy New Year!

12 . 31 . 15

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning.” – T.S. Eliot

Families may have different traditions for Christmas and Hanukkah but Thanksgiving is all about turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. That means many hours will be spent in the kitchen. I’m still dreaming about renovating my tiny one and if you’re in the same boat, here’s some beautiful kitchens from Pinterest to inspire you. Happy Holidays! All images from […]

Fade to Black

10 . 06 . 15

As the weather cools down and the rain returns, I find myself reaching for anything black in my closet. It’s the color that many wear in Milan which is where I’m returning today so in that honor, I give you a compilation of the absence of color.

The Chicest Advice

09 . 02 . 15

While I loved seeing another peek at Jenna Lyons’ office at J.Crew and her chic new haircut on The Coveteur yesterday, it was her words of wisdom that really resonated. “I think the best piece [of advice] I ever received is when someone pulled me aside one day and was like ‘stop worrying about what […]

The Absence of Color

08 . 16 . 15

“Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.” ― Coco Chanel

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about gut renovating my tiny kitchen. Small New York City kitchens are probably why everyone goes out to restaurants or orders in. I have folders full of dream kitchen inspiration and this one has gone to the top of the list. It was designed […]

Fernanda Niven posted a link to this article, 48 Things I Know for Sure by Sanda Bienkowski on Twitter and it seemed perfect for reposting this Sunday.  48 Things I Know for Sure 1. Fix yourself first. 2. Wisely choose who you spend your time with because they will influence you. 3. “When people show you […]

Farrow & Ball has just launched a collection of wallpapers inspired by 19th and 20th-century French archive fashion fabrics. To celebrate, they asked me t curate a palette of Farrow & Ball paint colors and wallpapers inspired by my favorite city in the world. I chose Hague Blue because it looks like the color of blue doors, […]

Eternal Spring

02 . 07 . 15

Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. – Victor Hugo

Hello Yellow

01 . 21 . 15

I keep seeing yellow everywhere I look online lately. Maybe it’s a reaction to the grey and cold winter months but it is a cheerful and hopeful color. According to Sensational Color, the color yellow “shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. Yellow will advance […]

Keep Moving Forward

01 . 19 . 15

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 

White Out

01 . 06 . 15

It just started snowing in New York. I don’t mind since I’m leaving for the Caribbean tomorrow.  I also feel like the snow will be a lovely cleanse for the new year. I want everything to be white and clean just like a blanket of now.  According to Sensational Color, the color white aids mental […]

Long time readers know that I prefer to the focus on the positive things that I want to manifest in the New Year instead of the negative habits I wish to break.  The book Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It is my inspiration. It’s always fun to go back and […]

I’m still working on my Write It Down, Make It Happen post for 2015 so in the meantime, I thought it would be fun to post the wonderful advice that F. Scott Fitzgerald gave to his 11-year-old daughter Scottie in a 1933 letter. While the things to worry about are interesting, it is the items that […]

Blue Monday: Part IV

10 . 27 . 14

Does it seem like the weekends are flying by these days? I have a case of the Monday blues so what better way to deal with it than posting some pretty navy inspiration. Photo from Paris by me. Frank Wilbert Stokes, The Phantom Ship   Joan Mitchell, Untitled, 1992 Koen Lybaert, Abstract No. 702, 2013 Coat […]