Write It Down, Make It Happen 2015 Edition
by habituallychic
01 . 05 . 15Long time readers know that I prefer to the focus on the positive things that I want to manifest in the New Year instead of the negative habits I wish to break. The book Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It is my inspiration. It’s always fun to go back and see how much I accomplished from the previous year.
I’m happy to see that the first thing on my 2014 list was live in Paris for three months. While I did accomplish that goal, there are others that I still need to work on for 2015. I’m definitely feeling more ambitious than I have in a while so I already have a good feeling about this year.
- I will officially start my second book in 2015. I’ve toyed with a few ideas for book two and started taking photos but they never came together. I spoke to my editor and I while I can’t tell you the premise yet, I think I finally hit on the right concept. I’m really excited to get to work on it now and will share more about it later in the year.
- I will develop a product line in 2015. This has been on my list for a while but on the back burner. I feel like it’s the finally time to make a presentation and make this happen.
- I will blog before 9:00am everyday. As someone pointed out once, it’s hard to be creative on command but I would like to have my blog posts up at the same time everyday. Maybe I’ll add in some smaller extra posts later in the day to mix things up. I know I will feel less stressed out if the next day’s post is written and uploaded the night before so this needs to be a priority.
- I will push myself out of my comfort zone more in 2015. Living in Paris for three months last year was a big thing that I did outside my comfort zone but I’d like to continue this even if they aren’t such large accomplishments. I will reach out to more people for interviews or partnerships. The worst thing that can happen is that they say no, but I won’t know if I don’t try.
- I will flirt with everyone in 2015. I don’t mean flirt in the context of hitting on someone, although that’s good too, but more about connecting with others and creating a mutually enjoyable moment. It means not being afraid to talk to strangers or compliment someone on their shoes. It’s little things like this that can make someone’s day, including your own.
- I will make exercise a priority in 2015. I have already joined Equinox and a yoga studio so I’m already off to a good start. Exercise is not only great for your body but also your mind and helps you deal with stress. To quote Elle Woods, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people don’t shoot their husbands. They just don’t.”
- I will continue to make “less is more” my mantra in 2015. I haven’t been buying a lot lately but I also haven’t done the ruthless full apartment clean out yet. I just feel better when everything is in it’s place and there is less clutter. This is especially important since I work from home.
- I will finally do things I’ve been talking about for years in 2015. I’ve been saying I will practice driving again for years and still haven’t done it yet. I have to make this happen and all the other little things I say I will do and don’t. Going on safari is another goal I finally want to accomplish in 2015 too.
- I will remain positive and grateful everyday in 2015. New York is a tough place and it’s easy to get out of sorts here. It’s also easy to get caught up in comparisons on social media. I will remember that everyone is running their own race and not let things get to me. I already started a joint diary and gratitude journal and already feel better. I also want to make sure I’m a positive influence for my friends and readers.
- I will force myself to date in 2015. After a disappointing relationship with a Frenchman and another situation that went on far longer than necessary, I know I need to put myself out there again. It’s easy to go on one bad date and decide to stay home but then nothing will ever happen. I will also ask everyone I know if they know anyone since I’m not a fan of online dating. Since many of you know me better than my closest friends, please feel free to make introductions or fix me up.
The consensus among many people I know is that last year wasn’t terrible but it also wasn’t our favorite. We all already have a good feeling about this year and I hope it’s a good one for everyone!
Life is short. The world is big. Get out there and enjoy it!
Photo of my inspiration board by me via Instagram.