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tagged with the term daffodils

Wishing you all a lovely long Easter holiday weekend with a post daffodil inspired spring yellow. Photo of flowers in my apartment by me. Sophia Sleeveless Tweed Midi Dress Claude Monet’s dining room at Giverny. via @nationaltrust Pointed Toe Flat via @mccormickcharlie Vintage photo of Julio Iglesias. Cashmere Crewneck Sweater in Spring Yellow via @rosideruig All quotes created […]

“April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of the dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with spring rain.” – T.S. Eliot I don’t think even T.S. Eliot could have predicted just how cruel April would be in 2020. April has always been my favorite month since it contains the day of my birth but […]

Spring in Central Park

04 . 12 . 19

Sorry for the lack of posts the last two days. I had a lot going on this week including a sore throat that luckily didn’t turn into anything more. I’m also trying to finalize all my plans for my birthday trip to Charleston next week. I did manage to take a walk in Central Park […]

Spring Fling

04 . 21 . 14

Many of you are celebrating Easter Monday today so I’ve decided to keep with the theme of spring.  It was the most beautiful weekend in New York and it seemed like every person in the city was in Central Park on Sunday. Everything is in bloom and putting us all in a good mood after […]


03 . 22 . 14

If we had no winter,  the spring would not be so pleasant;  if we sometimes did not sometimes taste of adversity,  prosperity would not be so welcome.  – Anne Bradstreet Photo by me via Instagram