Starting the New Year with the Prolon Fast Mimicking Diet
by habituallychic
01 . 03 . 21
After I completed my first Prolon Fast Mimicking Diet in August, I was able to cut my sugar consumption and cravings for six weeks. It was an amazing elimination diet and I realized that dairy was causing terrible inflammation so I was able to cut it out of my diet too. I lost and kept off seven pounds and felt amazing mental clarity during and after the fast. It was one of the hardest but best things I have done for myself and it was also the perfect reset after quarantine.
You can read my daily dairy in my saved Prolon highlight on Instagram. My friend gave me her box and I was not sponsored so I was completely honest about my experience. Gwyneth Paltrow also chronicled her experience on Netflix in The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow and interviews the creator of Prolon, Dr. Valter Longo. I also just read a great article 8 Almost Instant Benefits to Ditching Sugar by Dr. Frank Lipman if you need any more convincing.
I fell off the wagon over the holidays and I thought that starting the year off with another round of Prolon would be a great way to reset for 2021. If you would like to join me or try it for yourself, Prolon is offering $25 off a single box with a free 30-count mixed variety of the Fast Bars plus free shipping. Or you can save $50 off a single box alone without the Fast Bars. Just make sure you order the original soup flavors for Prolon since they are the best. You just click on the link and the offer is automatically added to your cart. I bought the Fast Bars after my fast to have for breakfast and to take on road trips.
I’m hoping that starting the year off with Prolon and being prompted to move by my Apple Watch will lead to a happy and healthy New Year.