The Best Show House Ever
by habituallychic
04 . 25 . 14I had the privilege of touring and photographing the 2014 Kips Bay Decorator Show House today and I can honestly tell you that it might be the best one I’ve ever seen. I’m not allowed to post any photos until next week but I wanted to remind you that it will open to the public on May 1st and runs through May 29th.
The house this year is in the Villard Mansion which is part of the New York Palace Hotel. The building commissioned by Henry Villard, the President of the Northern Pacific Railway, was designed by McKim, Mead and White. It sits on the left when you enter through the hotel’s center courtyard on Madison Avenue between 50th and 51th Streets. It’s been home to the Archdiocese of New York and most recently housed the offices of the Municipal Art Society. Savvy readers will also remember that it often served as a backdrop on Gossip Girl.
It was fun to hear the condition of some of the rooms before the designers worked their magic. And magic is no understatement. I know some of you make special trips to see the house each year and if you happen to be wavering, I would confirm your plans asap. You won’t be disappointed. For those of you who can’t attend in person, I will be posting my photos beginning on May 1st. Until then, I give you a peek at the beautiful peonies in the room designed by Carrier and Company.
Photos by me.
Thanks for the preview Heather! I’m anxious to see if we will see a reoccurring element this year like we did in last years show house with all of the lacquered surfaces…
Avoir un grand week-end !
I always know there will be so many gorgeous rooms revealed…thank you Heather..looking forward to May 1st!
The Arts by Karena
I had a feeling this would be a stellar year especially with that line up of fabulous designers!