Chic in Soho: BDDW
by habituallychic
11 . 12 . 13I happened to be in Soho Friday with my camera so I stopped by a few stores and showrooms. I haven’t been in BDDW in a while and it’s clear I should stop by more often. The furniture is always amazing but I really loved the autumn inspired wall hangings. They also seem to hold archery competitions in the showroom. Don’t see something like that very often in New York. But more importantly, I wonder how I can get myself invited to participate.
5 Crosby Street
New York, NY 10013
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
How very cool Heather! I love the groupings of the pendant lights. The murals are amazing as is so much more!
The Arts by Karena
Heather, Thank you for all your work to present interesting and quite beautiful information. I think these murals are stunning. Do You happen to know if they are original work or photographic reproductions enlarged on canvas? They do compliment the artist made furniture perfectly. Sincerely, Beth Scanlon
The wall murals look really bold and striking.
Are they material, almost like a tapestry? Or are they just paper hangings?