Beautiful in Bridgehampton
by habituallychic
07 . 29 . 13I’m still recovering from my fun weekend in the Hamptons and have a lot of photos still to edit. Until those are ready, I’m leaving you with this beautiful home in Bridgehampton, New York designed by Vicente Wolf. Nothing says the beach like blue and white but what I really love is the interesting art in the entry hall. You can read more about the house here.
Photos by Max Kim-Bee for Veranda
Vicente is so very talented, Heather. Thank you for showcasing this gorgeous home.
2013 Designer Series
Love the blue!
Gorgeous home! Love the mixture of the different shades of blue. Beautiful!
Well, if someone is going to make me like blue and white who better than Vincente.
Completely in love with this house! I’d vacation or live there any day!
Vicente is one of my all time favorites. Always fresh, always modern, but always with a respect for the classic and the beautiful.
Love this beautiful home! Even the hydrangea’s are co-ordinated!