Sponsor Giveaway from HOM Interiors
by habituallychic
12 . 29 . 12If you haven’t thought about your New Year’s resolution yet, you might want to do it now. HOM Interiors has generously offered to send the reader with the best one a bottle of champagne to help ring in the New Year.
To enter, please leave a comment on this post that includes your name and New Year’s resolution. This giveaway is open to residents of the US, Canada, and Europe. One entry per person. No email entries will be accepted. You may enter until 11:59pm on Monday, December 31, 2012. A winner will be chosen on Tuesday, January 1, 2013.
Bonne chance!
Congratulations to Tabitha of Bourbon & Pearls who won the champagne with her great resolution below.
My resolution is to follow the motto of design sage William Morris:
‘Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.’
My New Year’s Resolution is to try new things/get out of my comfort zone, in all areas of life!
keeping consistent in self healing..physical growth… taking 1 day off a week….setting boundaries…. and making sure EVERY person I come in contact with smiles BACK..that will be because I sent them a smile first! Smiles are truly contagious…no matter what strife is happening….Happy New Year!
New Year’s Resolution: Stop wanting the things I don’t have and start loving the ones that I already have.
Happy And Sparkly Holidays to All! And to all a Happy New year!
Katrina G. Greece
This is perfect, because my 2013 Resolution was to Drink More Champagne. Really!
It’s like vowing to use your best china more often. I love champagne, and usually have a bottle or two around the house. But when my husband suggests we open it, I usually say that I’m saving it for a special occasion. But not this year – I’ve vowed to open the bottles regularly. I love it, life’s short – I’m going to drink it often and for no special reason other than simple enjoyment of life.
My New Year’s resolution is to get knocked up. 🙂 So the champagne would REALLY come in handy!!!!
shanahattis at gmail dot com
My 2013 resolution is to try to stop loathing myself for being 15 pounds overweight and to love the healthy body I have. So what if I have a little muffin top!
My New Year’s resolution is to have every closet, drawer, etc organized and pretty, so that there’s no place in the house I’d be embarrassed to have a guest poke her head into.
I’m starting on it today – my goal is to pull everything out of the closets (where things were haphazardly thrown when I moved two months ago) and sort into three piles: to sell, to toss, to organize. Wish me luck!
I should mention that, although my resolution might sound superficial, it has its roots in something much deeper: http://gallimaufryandminutiae.blogspot.com/2012/11/on-houses.html
For me, I just want to quit worrying so much, complaining about stupid stuff in my life, and obsessing over things I can’t control.
My resolution is to find the joy in the little things every day.
My 11 year old daughter has a friend who lost her mother to cancer just before Christmas. Combined with the tragedy in Connecticut, it has caused me to contemplate how I want to live my life and the impact I want to have on those around me.
I hope to find the joy in all of the small things we take for granted including being healthy enough to get out of bed every day and be a mother to my children and a loving wife and a compassionate friend.
My New Years’s Resolutions are to stop worrying too much and to try new life adventures. One of them is to travel to Asia in 2013 despite the super long flight to get there and another is to learn to make Macarons by attending classes. Little steps goes a long way. Pamela
My HC New Year’s resolution is to get the pool table out of the living room!
My 2013 resolution…to continue feeling serene and happy with my life and hoping to help as many people I can to feel the same.
Cheers Heather, have a marvelous New Year!
While I’m constantly resolving all sorts of things to myself the one thing I am sure of is this:
Each day I strive to do “One little thing” which will make our home more charming and inviting.
Whether it’s building in bookshelves or painting or hanging curtains, I want to make our home more lovely with each day.
My resolution is to remember that life is supposed to be fun and to make sure to take time to have fun with my husband and son! Why work so hard if we can’t enjoy the fruits of our labor?
Heather very exciting! I love champagne of course!
In 2013 I will do something each and ever day to make someones life a bit better!
Art by Karena
My resolution is to do things out of my comfort zone! Do something new every week!
Drink more Champagne, less beer
Eat caviar, skip the bacon
Do Yoga, sit on the couch less
Enjoy life in NYC and make the most out of this amazing place!
Drink more Champagne……
I am a teacher. My resolution is to teach every student I have to be kind to one another. Treat each other with respect and reach out to those who need help.
Continually knowing I am my own best friend and being the kindest I can be to others. Spreading happiness as much as possible. What else is there?
Flora Doora
My resolution is to take better care of myself and follow a budget.
My New Years resolution is to embrace the abundance! I hope for great gifts and new paths that I can accept and trust… It’s a hard one, but a good one.
My new year’s resolution is to embrace abundance. It sounds easy, but actually acknowledging gifts and trusting you deserve them is a tough pickle. Here’s to blessings in 2013!
Every week or so carry out a random act of kindness. Pay for someone’s coffee or newspaper or bakery item or travel fare…the list is endless but I’m sure would bright someone’s day and in return would make me feel wonderful. Selfish I know…..B:)
Resolved: Spend as much energy on having fun as I do on worrying!
My News Years Resolution is to show love to
those around me. Unselfish and meaningful caring as well! After all, love heals and love brings peace and harmony to the world. We so need more love here on the planet!
My New Year’s Resolution is believe that “Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m Possible’!”
So in 2013 it will be Possible for me to do the following:
Score high on the LSAT
Get a Miami Market wardrobe for work, life, and play
Lose 10 to 14% body fat
Buy a home in Miami
Get pregnant
Get accepted to UM Law School
Get a promotion on job
And all in that order!
My New Years’s Resolution is to buy “Made in America” & support the small business/craft people! Plus exercise more:)
My resolution is to be brave and live life to the fullest. I’ve been holding back for much too long! We are constantly being remindind that life is short and unpredictable. We really need to listen!
my NYE resolution is to be more confident and vocal. when i recognize someone i know, i should go say hi! even if for the first time to introduce myself. it only reflects better on myself and can lead to more opportunities… xxx
My resolution is to start selling my off my vintage collections. My goal is to have a bit of extra cash to help out family members who are struggling financially, and also enjoy the freedom of living more simply.
Happy New Year to all!
Carol (cmalovrh at aol dot com)
My resolution is to “be”: be present, be able, be helpful, be honest, be compassionate, be understanding, be giving, be true, be kind – be the best I can be in 2013.
Katharine Ayer
My resolution this year is to visit a different museum each month in 2013. I am a member at several and tend to stick with my favorites; however, in 2013 I want to break out of my rut and see other, new (to me) museums!
In 2013 I resolve to “Do Me”! Happy New Years!
My resolution is to be an instrument for peace & love & kindness on earth in whatever small way I can in 2013.
My New Year’s Resolution is to wake each morning and “smile” no matter what the day or circumstances & then to lend a hand to a person or animal in some way, large or small. That’s my wish for each and every day.
Cecily Schneider
My resolution is to seek peace every day–in my relationships, in my ad hoc exchanges.
My New Years resolution is to win more contests, starting with this one! Ha..!
My mantra for 2013 : happiness comes from within – every action, every reaction, every minute of every day, is in my control & I will do my best to respond with HAPPINESS!
My resolution is to increase my savings and pay off some debt in 2013
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
Here’s to enjoying each moment of the New Year and being connected to how precious these moments are!
My New Years Resolution for 2013 is to get myself back into good enough physical shape so that I could once again wear a tight T-shirt; while having the maturity, restraint and presence of mind (given my age) to never actually WEAR said tight T-shirt in public. In other words, shrink AND grow-up all at the same time.
– Bill Whiting
My intention for the New Year 2013 is to learn to see myself as part of the collective consciousness of humanity, rather than a separate entity. To better understand why things happen as they do and are we must be willing to look within ourselves. As Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world”. So, I plan to excavate my soul and clean out the cobwebs that exist there and shine light in the dark places, to be able to be a better beacon of light in this world!
I plan to stop dreaming and start doing. Spend less time thinking of what if. Stop giving the reasons why I shouldn’t do something and say yes more often to opportunities.
The Babylonians, are widely credited with introducing the world to New Year’s resolutions. They liked to start the new year not by thinking about how they might improve themselves going forward, but by settling up.
Their idea was to payback a debt, return a kindness, right a niggling wrong—to start the new year with a clean slate and a good conscience by rectifying something quantifiable associated with the past, not by making a nebulous plan to change something in the future.
So today and tomorrow I am taking a friend to a movie, call friends who sent me Christmas cards, pay my bills and clean and restock my fridge with fresh and healthy food.
Thanks Heather for your always inspiring posts.
My New Year’s Resolution is to quit “living in my mind” and start “living out LOUD!”
valhoff3 at yahoo dot com
My goal is to lose weight–anna
To have more adventures at home and far away.
Thanks for the chance!!! I resolve to leave the past behind me and only live in the now with sweet dreams of that which is ahead.
To take better care of myself, emotionally and physically.
Elena Vo
To remember my radiant true nature.
Donna A.
I’m keeping my resolution very simple this year. I plan to spend some time each day enjoying one of four things. The best part is, all four are free:
a good book
a good walk
a good hug
a good friend
Cheers and happy new year!
-Angele Hunskor
One of my resolutions is to drink less. Ha.
My goal is to end up on a yacht with a girl in a bikini drinking Dom Perignon after defeating an evil mastermind.
My resolution is to follow the motto of design sage William Morris:
‘Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.’
I think that covers the Dom P.
Resolve to find Peace in all matters of life even when they seem so unimaginable and unearthly.
To entertain more often: specifically to host at least one large dinner party a month!
2012 wasn’t exactly kind to me.
I found my dream job – a year and a half after graduating college – only to loose it due to reasons unforeseen to me.
And then my husband was diagnosed with incurable illness that will alter both of our lives.
So when I was cleaning up his vomit at five am this morning I vowed to myself that I will not lose hope. My resolution for 2013 is to be strong and fight against all set backs life throws at me. Pursue my dreams no matter what.
“Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.”
― Charles Jones
I love this! What a wonderful idea, and really make you think about what is really important for the next year.
My child is leaving is graduating High School and another is on her heels. I think I have spent so much time wanting, pushing and trying to guide them in the right direction that I forgot to simply enjoy them! I want to Enjoy my children and family this year..and thats that!
Have a very Happy New Year!
xo Karolyn
My resolution is to make sure that I appreciate the times in life when I have no major things to worry and fret over. When you do have problems, it makes you realize how precious true happiness really is.
The resolution I want to make sure I succeed at keeping this year is to reconnect with you – Mr. PJK 🙂 XO Do 2 straws come with the bottle of DOM?
Happy 2013!
My 2013 new years resolution is to start celebratung each day as it comes and to make the next day better than the previous one. I also resolve to toast my achievements and applaud my failures and to continue to try and strive to achive my absolute best in everything that I go after personally and professionally.
My New Year’s resolution is….
Find the man of my dreams, grab that bottle of DOM and both run away to a remote tropical location! (and maybe never come back!)
I resolve to never make another resolution. I will try to be the best spirit I can be 365 days of the year. No beginning, no end. Terri
My resolution is to get drunk enough on New Years Eve so that I actually want to kiss my husband.
New year resolution is to make my house a relaxing sanctuary – instead of the bachelor’s pad look since I bought it over 10 yrs ago :-/