Ralph Lauren Children’s Store Holiday Windows 2011
by habituallychic
11 . 28 . 11Bergdorf Goodman is probably the most popular destination for holiday windows each season but there are also other very beautiful and creative displays around the city. The Ralph Lauren shop windows on Madison Avenue are always a treat, especially the children’s boutique. They look adorable and the props they include always amaze me. There are even a few skiers like in my last post. Happy Holidays!
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
How adorable! And so detailed, there’s something exciting going on on every side, and the colors are sooo Christmas-y! 🙂
Beyond cute- they do no wrong! Especially in childrenswear! Xx
Totally feel good windows, though modern, still a teensie retro feel to me!
Thank-you Heather! You’ve just ushered int he Christmas season for me!
SO cute! love the Christmas season and holiday decor!
the girls @
Oh my! I am so unbelievably bummed that I live almost 4500 miles from the closest RL Children’s store 🙁 {Swoon}
I want those brown and red leotards…and the garland!
Ralph Lauren windows are always gorgeous and these windows are so charming! The fifth one from the bottom almost looks like a painting! Thanks for sharing them with us! Even though it’s still pretty warm, I’m very much in the holiday spirit and it’s all snowflakes in the city in my mind! xo
Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
This Week: “Let It Snow”
All I want for Christmas… is to be a kid again so I can dress in Ralph Lauren! The snow-covered garland is pretty fabulous too. Thank you for being my eyes in the city during the holiday season! Cheers, Cynthia
I love the rustic feel, and the teddy’s are adorable.
They put together the best windows.
This is so nice, thanks for sharing! =D
Your photos of these windows are fantastic! More detailed than my own. I made the teepee banners/backdrops and altered some existing pieces for them. There are two beautiful teepee skirts along two bottom back walls that cannot be seen. Also have some antique pieces throughout and made the folkart dolls in the previous season’s windows for Baby. Thank you for showing these in such a wonderful presentation! Tina