Attitude of Gratitude
by habituallychic
11 . 25 . 10The best part of Thanksgiving is that it has traditionally been a non-commercial holiday. Well, until stores decided to open this year but I digress. Thanksgiving is a day when you don’t have to do anything but spend time eating and watching the parade and football with those we care about. It is always nice to take a moment though to think about all that you have to be thankful for this year. I am always thankful for my fabulous friends and family and wonderful readers. I’ve received so many wonderful emails lately and it is always nice to know that all the hard work that goes into the blog is appreciated by others.
The last chapter of the book Write It Down, Make It Happen is entitled Giving Thanks. “When you remember to say thanks, when you live your life in a spirit of gratefulness, life will present you with even more things for which to be grateful.” Just a little something to think about on this day of Thanksgiving.
Photo from Martha Stewart
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Heather.
Well said, Heather! Thanks so much for all the inspiration you provide. Have a happpy one!
And there you go… somebody remembered what really matters today! Good for you, Heather!
Just want to wish you a warm, beautiful and special Thanksgiving to you… that you can celebrate it how it really means to you.
Luciane at
I can’t find a better day to thank you for your strong and continuous inspiration…GRAZIE!
Hope you had a happy day, Heather 😉
Cheers, Alcira
Why is it that the stores are open today? I am at a loss. Hope everyone had a lovely non-shopping day!
Happy Thanksgiving. As an Australian who had the privilege of living and working in NYC for a couple of years, just want to say how much I enjoy your blog keeping me up to date with all things stylish and glamorous in NYC.
So late on this but Happy Thanksgiving Heather.