NYIGF: Two’s Company Equestrian Theme
by habituallychic
08 . 16 . 10The Two’s Company booth at the New York International Gift Fair is always crowded but worth braving for the fabulous styling. Since I recently posted about Equestrian Chic, I absolutely loved their equestrian themed accessories! If you can’t find the vintage versions, it’s nice to know you can get the same look at Two’s Company! Enjoy!
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
Oh! Reminds me of when I used to ride! 😀
Ok. I am seriously in love with this company, but they are getting better every year!
Teresa (Splendid Sass)
I love Twos Company..can I buy their products online???
The horseshoe hooks are to die for! Making this Texas girl a little homesick 🙂
We love Twos Company! Way to go guys! Super creative!