The House of Luck
by habituallychic
06 . 01 . 10 I haven’t seen the new Sex and the City movie yet because I’ve read some not so great reviews. I am curious to finally see the fashions and interiors but so much that I feel like giving up two hours of my life just yet. I’m surprised at how much attention has been given to the fact that they shot the movie in Morocco for two months which was used as a stand in for Abu Dhabi. What would have been more interesting is if part of the film actually took place in Morocco and more specifically, in Tangiers, at the former home of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé, seen here. It was decorated by the illustrious interior designer Jacques Grange and was for sale last year and might possibly still be available. I can’t find any record of it being sold. Perhaps Carrie and the girls could have rented it while getting away from their lives in New York or used it as a pit stop on their way to visit Christian Louboutin on his houseboat on the Nile. Couldn’t be any worse than them wearing harem pants in the desert and falling off camels. The house also happens to be named Villa Mabrouka which means House of Luck. Sounds like they could have used some. Enjoy!
Photos by Ivan Terestchenko and Christie’s Great Estates
I am with you on SATC2. It just sounds appalling on so many levels but then I have never been a fan. That YSL Berge house is quite divine… all perfect (except those awful flowery couches). Maybe it has been quietly sold to some lucky person.
MMMMM….the room with the pink walls. Everything actually. Very dreamy!
When I was on a school trip to Spain at 18 yrs I had a choice for a day trip between Morocco or Gibraltar. I chose the big rock with the monkeys…. and that’s about all I can say about that. Sigh.
Beautiful photos.
Resisting seeing Sex and the City too.
I saw the movie and while it wans’t GREAT, I still loved it. Totally over the top fun. LOVED Big and Carrie’s apartment!
Just saw the movie. Not earth shattering, but still lovable (especally if you’re a SATC fan). The scenes in Morocco are amazing and the hotel they shot in was immaculate!
I couldn’t agree more & can’t be bothered to see it. Very well said. You’re great & thank you for the pretty post! It’s the real thing!
I’m visiting this house on Sunday, I’m staying at la Mamounia for 5 nights, I absolutely adore Jacques Grange’s work.
Thanks for the photos–the view and the house are breath-taking. So many fireplaces, gorgeous mirrors and furnishings.
Great photos. I’ve heard Carrie and Big’s apartment is phenomenal. So I might have to spend two hours of my life just for that :).
I’m with you about the movie. Now if they would have consulted you on location it might be a different story. I lived in Tangier during my high school years….very intriguing city, incredible architecture, spectacular views.
I wish they had filmed at someplace like this instead–low key and elegant. Abu Dhabi “opulence” is better suited for RHONJ than SATC.
DIVINE location! .. and i thought the movie was GREAT .. didn’t feel like 2.5 hours for me – TONS of laughter and “omg i’m gonna use that line” and “that’s oooo us” in it!
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
Actually it’s 2 1/2 hours of your life and the movie is fairly predictable! The book has got a lot about the fashion and the sets though.
What an astute comment regarding the film taking place in Morocco “specifically, in Tangiers…” I agree.
am super inspired by this house…will go back to this again & again. looks so clean yet full of texture and pattern where it matters. absolutely beautiful. thanks!
Ugh… laziest plot ever. This house is way to subtle for that movie. The producers just cant fathom glamour that isnt over the top!
Heather, I so agree with about The movie. Sad, some people do not know to leave while they are on top!!
It’s like a great designer… We have to be great editors.
In order for us to continue to be creative… Rather than
greedy. As we say in the design world, “Designers do not fade away… We go out in a glorious pine box!!;-) I think the producers of this film should had know better.