The Frontline with Linda Fargo
by habituallychic
04 . 16 . 10 Linda Fargo is the Senior Vice President, Women’s Fashion Director and Store Presentation for Bergdorf Goodman and is one of the chicest women in New York! Since the women in my family went white haired very early, I always joke that if I go white someday then I want to look like Linda! I should be so lucky! I stumbled upon her dispatches from The Frontline of fashion week and was in heaven! I’ve posted her pages from Paris here but you can also read about Milan and New York online. I love that they look like a Moleskine diary! They are manifique!
I think it’s time I raised the bar on my moleskin… insiring and was fun to take a peek into a stylish and creative mind.
Wow, I am definitely starting a diary in my moleskin!
Ummm OBSESSED with the layout. So genius. Forwarding to all my graphic design-inclined friends. I wish my journals looked more like these. Brilliant! xoxo katie
Oh, to have a journal this chic…
These layouts are amazingly fabulous. Going straight into the “presentation” files. A huge thanks for adding me to your blog roll. So appreciate the support. Your blog is truly amazing. I know you hear that 100x daily but you really should be commended hourly for its success. No small feat…as I continue to plug away with mine.
What a wonderful post and what an inspiring woman. Thank you!x
I’m planning a trip to Paris this summer and adore Linda Fargo – this is a great ” go to” guide. Bravo!