Chic in NY: Warehouse Sales
by habituallychic
03 . 25 . 10Lest you think I forgot where I live, I figured I should let you know about the warehouse sales going on right now in New York. First up is the annual Stark Warehouse Sale. This year they’ve added Holland & Sherry whose fabulous cashmere fabrics were first designed for bespoke suiting. Probably the reason why I want to roll around in them naked. (Did I just say that out loud?!)
Last year, I went to the Stark Warehouse Sale to look at broadloom carpets for my client’s baby nursery project. I got in line and thought to myself how chic and well dressed everyone was for the Stark sale. Turned out I was in line for the Hermes Warehouse Sale! Of course, I went in and bought a few things. So make sure you know what line you should be in but definitely go to both! Hermes runs through Sunday as well!