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Studio Sofield’s Chic Soiree

by habituallychic

02 . 15 . 10

My first inclination that the “evening of finery, furniture and friends” at interior designer William Sofield’s Studio Sofield would be fabulous last Thursday evening was the special installation by the Matthew Marks Gallery. The second was the “7pm till…” open ended time frame of the party. You know that’s a sign you better clear your schedule for the following day! But I think it was the live white snake on a bed that we encountered when we arrived that confirmed that this was no ordinary event!

But then again, I didn’t really expect anything less than a chic soiree from the interior designer of choice for a man as discerning as fashion designer and filmmaker Tom Ford. Bill Sofiled, above, is also as wonderfully nice as he is talented luckily and I felt honored to have make the cut!

What we noticed about Studio Sofield is the amazing attention to detail. The office was moved into it’s current larger space about a year ago and you can tell that it’s not only an office but a laboratory for design from the beautiful paint colors to the unique furnishings.

As I mentioned, part of the evening was intended to highlight the wonderful artwork from the Matthew Marks Gallery which was hung around the space which included pieces from Gary Hume among others. Artist Brice Marden and his wife were also on hand for the festivities, as was artist Michelle Oka Doner.

This stunning piece is a replica of one that hangs in a client’s house in California.

Perhaps you’ll be able to see that it is actually a large goldfish bowl in this close up.

It might be a little hard to tell in this photo but Studio Sofield also arranges it’s design books by color!

Yes, I know smoking isn’t good for you but the thoughtful host made arrangements for his smoking guests to keep them inside during the party so they wouldn’t have to shiver outside in the cold.

Everyone joked that if I worked at Studio Sofield, this would be my desk. Not sure why they have a vanity in the office but maybe it’s the reason why they all look so good!

My friend Satya Twena who works for Studio Sofield was kind enough to give us the grand tour. My favorite part was watching the slide show of project photos on the computer screens on the desks. The office doesn’t have a website with a portfolio so it was a wonderful treat!

As I mentioned, the attention to detail was heightened for the party but I have a feeling that the office probably doesn’t look much different during the day. My favorite part though was how it smelled! They wouldn’t tell me exactly what I was smelling but there is someone in the office who layers scents around the space.

The other reason for the party was to showcase Bill’s new designs for Baker.

This room was set as the dining room with some of the beautiful pieces from Baker as well as a fabulous Gary Hume above.

There is a lovely quiet elegance to Bill’s interior design which is also evident in his furniture designs.

I also spoke with some of his staff who helped with the designs and there was a large emphasis on comfort as well as aesthetics. Since they often measure their clients for bespoke sofas and chairs, it was a very easy task to design for Baker.

Even the simplest arrangements were beautiful and the catering by Mary Giuliani was delicious!

At the party, both Fabiola Beracasa and Tinsley Mortimer were brave enough to drape the snake over themselves while most everyone else avoided this room! It had a handler but I joked that he was only there so it wouldn’t eat the parrot that was also hanging out!

The bedroom area also had an amazing painted lacquered ceiling that looked like it was studded with jewels!

Beautiful artwork and tablescapes were around every corner.

The color of the leather on these dining chairs made me swoon. The whole room was divine actually! I can’t imagine working in such a beautiful environment. It must inspire creativity daily!

Everyone thinks New Yorkers are jaded and sometimes we are but I can tell you that every person at the Studio Sofield party, from the chic socialites and Vogue-ettes to the fashion and interior designers, was blown away by the design genius and hospitality of our host! As I joked that evening, it was like dying and going to design heaven. Bill Sofield clearly has the divine touch!

Photos by Kevin Tachman/BackstageAT.com

Comments Closed

  1. Simply Luxurious February 15, 2010 | 1:30 am

    Beautiful home, but the snake would have thrown me too.

  2. Keri Shrimpton February 15, 2010 | 2:00 am

    Thank you for sharing…what a beautiful, exciting space! One day you will have your own gorgeous design studio in which to give fabulous parties (minus the snake of course)!

    Do you know if Mr. Sofield had a hand in the Single Man set? I am still swooning over those interiors!

  3. maison21 February 15, 2010 | 2:02 am

    so freaking chic. i need to see the lacquered bedroom ceiling up close! wrangle me an invitation when i’m next in NYC, k?

    and as for the snake, as long as there are no tarantulas in the mix, i can handle creepy crawlies…

  4. Habitually Chic February 15, 2010 | 2:10 am

    Simply Luxurious – It was actually the office not his home. I bet that’s even more chic!

    Keri – I find visiting these types of interiors whether they are an office or the home of a designer, infinitely inspiring! I hope to be half as chic as they are someday and throw fabulous parties, and who knows, maybe I will hire my own snake! I thought A Single Man was shot on a soundstage but AT says it was filmed in a house, http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/la/look/the-house-from-tom-fords-a-single-man-104264. I’m pretty sure they had a set designer but I can ask my friend if Bill had a hand in it.

    Maison21 – I think you would be more than welcome at Studio Sofield any time you are in town. Just say the word! I actually didn’t mind the snake but spiders freak me out! Glad they left them off the guest list!

  5. the NEO-traditionalist February 15, 2010 | 5:28 am

    What a space! Sleek doesn’t even begin to do it justice…I’m in utter awe! Love the snake touch—talk about making a party memorable… Glad you made it home safe : ) XOXO

  6. sinnlighet February 15, 2010 | 5:45 am

    The environment breathe aristocratic spirit, of the highest rank!! Me like!

    Agneta, the swedish one…

  7. Suzy February 15, 2010 | 6:14 am

    Lucky girl!

  8. Yolanda February 15, 2010 | 12:39 pm


  9. jones February 15, 2010 | 1:10 pm

    I agree, the snakes says it all–and he (or she?) is pretty cool. Love the furniture designs for Baker and the color of the leather chairs– like new spring grass. The detail that clients are measured for their furniture is fantastic as I have a hard time with big furniture and I am sure that tall men have the same problem in reverse. Great party and post. Mary

  10. pillowthrowdecor February 15, 2010 | 2:38 pm

    Fabulous! I love the intriguing detail. Gotta have a hat stand as seen in the third picture. Anyone know where I can find one similar?

    Snakes…hmmm can you really rent snakes? That would really make it memorable!!! Christine

  11. Teresa Hatfield February 15, 2010 | 3:28 pm

    I’m with you ~ nice place to work.
    What a beautiful place. The “goldfish bowl” is over the top! Everything was so unique. No copycats here.
    Thank you for such a lovely post!

  12. According to Nicky February 15, 2010 | 5:08 pm

    I love your blog!!! Always full of inspiration! Have a nice evening! XX Nicky 🙂

  13. Jennifer Sergent February 17, 2010 | 1:04 pm

    Heather, thanks for sharing these great pictures. I remember being blown away when Bill gave us a tour of his collection at Baker in High Point, which is also where we met! I love seeing all these pictures of his NY studio.