Williams-Sonoma Home Designer Series
by habituallychic
09 . 15 . 09 I am beyond excited and thrilled to one of the designers featured in the new Williams-Sonoma Home Designer Series! I’m also more than a little humbled to be in company of the inaugural group that includes the venerable designers Carolyne Roehm and Alexa Hampton, as well the uber talented Monelle Totah and Kirsty Williams from Williams-Sonoma Home. I enjoyed reading their design advice and I hope you enjoy reading mine too! I owe a big thank you to the kind folks at Williams-Sonoma Home who’ve been great supporters of me and my blog and also to my photographer Jonathan Ragle for his great portrait photo! And of course, a big thank you to all my loyal readers and friends for whom I write my blog everyday! Your continued encouragement means the world to me! Merci beaucoup!
Congratulation, Heather! So impressed how you are able to carry on in this difficult job environement!
Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. I’m always learning from your blog and constantly impressed by your inexhaustive archive of gorgeous interiors, your well researched sources and candid, lively views on interior design. Congratulations.
W-O-W! Congratulations, this is amazing!
Reading your blog is a special daily pleasure, perhaps addiction (?), of mine! I also love that you respond to comments.
Congratulations!! How exciting!! You are really an inspiration and your blog is amazing!!
Yay, congrats to you!
I’ll add my congratulations -this is just marvelous, darling! Things are just starting for you!
It was so fun to find you early:). We get to borrow some of your chic…
Congrats! Your blog is the best! All your hard work and passion definitely shows. Looking forward to more pics from Paris and Versailles!
A big congratulations for your well deserved recognition!
so cool, chic- congrats.
now that you are in tight with williams-sonoma home, would you ask them to replace the twelve copies of PBkids & 4 copies of west elm i get weekly, with just ONE williams-sonoma home catalog? so i can read your mention in print? (just kidding- you know i’ll go to the store and pick one up if i have to 🙂
again, congrats- a great mention in a great source!
ok, i commented after reading your blog and the one blurb there- i didn’t realize it was a whole full interview! now it’s even more awesome!
congrats – well deserved! i always find your blog informative and a step above the rest!
Congratulations! What a fantastic, and well deserved honor.
Congratulations! I love reading your blog everyday and am so happy to see all the wonderful opportunities that have come your way.
Big time congratulations! How exciting! So glad you all had a great trip to Paris too.
Yeah, congratulations!
I can’t wait to check it out.
congratulations–and well deserved.
laughingsalmon said: “Woo-yay you…and Paris too”
Now we just need to get WS-Home here in Canada! Please suggest Kingston, ON as a good location if you ever have an insider contact… 😉
hard work and talent should never be a surprise. Congrats!
A big congratulations!!!!
Congratulations, Heather! It’s certainly well-deserved 🙂
-Amie Gillingham, EBSQ
I heart this and my new shoes!!
fantastic – good for you!
Congratulations! We’ll deserved and great interview!!
many congratulation Heather!
Your cup runneth over……and deservingly so! So much happening for you and I am sure much more to come. Congratulations!
while we are on the subject of thanks I would like to thank you. Every day when I open my email you open up the door to a beautiful world. You make my day! Your trip to Paris has inspired me to do something that I have wanted to do for a long time. I have enrolled in French classes ( 3 years of them!!!) I want to go back to uni to study Art history and want to take French as one of the subjects. Thanks again Heather for the daily inspiration!
Wow Heather, that is wonderful! Cogratulations!
Congrats! That is really cool.
Congratulations! I love your quote about accessories and can’t wait to hear more…I do miss NYC
Congrats, Heather! Well deserved!
this is awesome! good for you.