Chic Scents by Le Labo
by habituallychic
08 . 23 . 09I’ve worn the same two perfumes for years, Narciso Rodriguez in the winter and Calypso Mimosa in the summer. Recently, I felt like I needed a change and I knew just where to go, Le Labo. Every time I walked by their counter at Barneys I kept smelling the most delicious scents so I knew I would find something I loved and that no one else would be wearing. I chose Santal 26 which is actually one of their interior sprays. I joked with the salesman that if anyone came up to me said, “hey, you smell like my room spray,” I was going to bring it back but he assured me that a lot of people buy them and wear them as perfume.
My other favorite is Ambrette 9 which is a baby perfume that smells nothing like baby powder but is actually light and fresh. All of their scents have a mysterious and sexy quality, probably because they are French. They also make perfumes that are exclusive to certain cities and I can’t wait to hit Colette in Paris and check out the Vanille 44. I think it might be coming home with me. I hear men respond well to vanilla and I need all the help I can get! Oh la la!
I’ve been looking for a new scent… will have to fill my olfactory senses with le labo soon! Thanks for the recommendation – it’s been hard to break away from the typical perfumes that are everywhere!
I love your “Habitually Chic” matches <3
SK – I forgot to mention that they have a shop on Elizabeth Street! You can get the smaller sample/travel sizes there too! I buy personalized matches for my clients so of course I had to get some for myself! They are from For Your Party!
One of my favorites is Oud 27. Quite up-front, but the drydown is gorgeous.
WOW i just finished reading the new issue of Lucky and they featured the Le Labo perfume!! 😀 but Rose 31. how ironic hah.
I have been wearing the same scent, Chanel No. 5, for ages but could be in the market for a little variety. Thanks for the introduction!
Your perfume vanity is the epitome of chic! I love the hand and your jewelry is fab 🙂
I’ll definitely have to check this out! I love the tray and am obsessed with the Diptyque candles – you definitely should check out their shop in Paris!
I’ve been wearing Chanel Coco and No. 19 since I was about 16. There is something nice about having a signature scent, but I also love finding something a little unusual. I definitely want to go to Barney’s tomorrow and check this out. We have a wonderful shop here in Chicago, Aromatherapy Workshop, and they will make potions for you. Their Provence scent is like spring in a bottle.
I wear 154 from Jo Malone because it doesn’t make me sneeze. But I am do for a new try and I love how they have it personalized….what a great gift idea.
good for you – i once smelled an amazing orange blossom spray that i fell in love with, but when i learned it was a room spray, i abandoned it. your boldness is making me think maybe i’ll go back and see if they still have it – who’s to say what i can spray?
I too love the HAB CHIC matches too! Divine!
I have a Le Labo candle that I got as a gift and I just love how it has my name and date on it. Such a nice touch…
I love the hand displaying your jewelry! Where did you find it and who is it made by??
Fabulous to hear about other people’s perfume wardrobe. Narciso Rodriguez is also a big favourite for me. So far I haven’t found a Le Labo to fall in love with – but their fragrance counters are incredible.