The World in Vogue
by habituallychic
07 . 20 . 09 I have been reading Vogue since I was 12 and one of my favorite features have always been the photos of the chic socialites and It girls. I like to see how real women dress and put things together, albeit fabulously wealthy women, but inspiring nonetheless. I wish they had more of them in the magazine today but I think the The World in Vogue: People, Parties, Places might fill the void! I can’t wait to see this book but I am even more excited for all the uber chic parties that will thrown to celebrate it’s release! I owe a big thank you to Summer if a Verb for alerting me to this exciting news! I can’t wait for November!
Hopefully it will be as fabulous as the Vogue Homes book…I will forever be obsessed with Julian Schnabel’s kitchen…
I’ve had the same magazine obesession since I was about 12 too! I’m looking forward to the book but two magazines come to mind for getting your “People & Parties” fix until then: Town & Country – not quite the same fashion league as Vogue but they do feature great potography of real people dressed up at events. The best fix for ‘real people’ of course is The Satorialist online.
funny, vogue is always one of those classic magazines that i pick up as well. always stylish, sometimes edgy and testing the boundaries, which i love. there are sosoooooo many design and art books i want right now, i’ll have to create a room just for them! 🙂 thanks for the inspiration!
Heather, how did I not know about this?! The “Houses” one remains one of my biggest style inspirations. I’m counting the days… Thanks for enlightening us!
Thanks so much for the mention! My sister-in-law gave me the heads up via Facebook this am. Nice way to begin a day…XXOO