Happy Summer!
by habituallychic
06 . 22 . 09 You know there is something wacky going on with the weather when it’s sunny and beautiful in England and cold and rainy in New York. Hamish Bowles has even provided photographic proof on his Vogue/Style.com blog, The Hamishphere. Seems he was visiting The Temple, a Palladian folly, that belongs to the British interior designer Veere Grenney and his partner David Oliver. If you remember, I met David, the founder of Paint and Paper Library, at his book debut party at Stark last year. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that venerable Mr. Grenney will make the trip over when the next Paint and Paper Library collection debuts this fall which I assume will also have a launch party. It would be nice to meet him in person. Until then, cheers and happy summer!
Photos by David Oliver
If ever there was an image that confirmed the saying “picture window” the one in the second shot is it. Thanks I loved this post.
The window, the view..a wished granted…but sadly not to me!!!
Those two partnered up? Sounds like quite a good match actually…
Beautiful pictures – there are older ones from the 80s I think from when the interior was yellow and the textile was mainly ticking.
I love that round window and the bottom image. How pale and peaceful it would be to visit in there.
The long canal is so grand and beautiful. Living in Connecticut, i feel that i am back in England, and my perennial garden is looking more and more english, even my lawn is begging for dry weather…..
I’ve never commented before… but a happy summer indeed! This is truly an amazing structure… rowboat and all. Leave it to the British… I can imagine Wordsworth or Keats & Shelley here!!!
Beautiful post…that pale pink living room is divine!
Lovely views / and what a play on climates? Nice looks, love the pink room.
I think I’ll pretend that I’m in the rowboat instead of on the LA freeways today. Thanks for the great photos.
What a perfect little place to escape for the weekend! Beautiful!
That pink room is just so perfect – where is this? I want to go there – now!