Happy Father’s (and Belated Mother’s) Day!
by habituallychic
06 . 21 . 09 A few years ago, I found a bunch of old photos by father had taken on a few road trips in the 1960’s. They were a great square shape but had curled up over the years so I had them professionally scanned in and reprinted. Now they hang in my apartment where I enjoy looking at them everyday. They have a fabulous vintage quality that photos today just don’t have.
I definitely get my artistic, creative and literary skills from my parents and I thank them for fostering it through trips to museums and libraries and mountains of art supplies. I also realized from a friend last year that not all parents are encouraging and supportive so I feel very lucky that they always believed in me. I don’t think I would be where I am today without them. Thanks mom and dad!
Photos by Charles Clawson
These are really beautiful shots. My mother has tonnes of negatives and slides from the 60s, 70s and 80s and I really want to get some of them printed and blown up for the apartment. Mr. J and I bought for amazing prints from 1960s slides at a fair last weekend, we just need to find the perfect frames now!
Very touching tribute. Joyful memories too, I’m sure.
What a lovely post – reminds me of my parents and childhood as well. This is why your blog has been so successful. We all relate to the personal glimpses of your life you reveal on a regular basis.
Have a great day!
Love these photos…my mom has been very busy converting MANY old slides into photos….she’s starting to run out of wall space!
Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!!
wonderful wonderful wonderful.
i just posted some vintage photos that my mom scanned for me of my dad. i just love the look of vintage photos.
glad i stopped by here.
i too didn’t know that not all parents would drive their kids to the art supplie store because the kid had a sudden urge to learn watercolors- it wasn’t until my thirties that i realized how lucky i was.
love the photos.
so real and authentic!
What a lovely post. The first shot is absolutely stunning.
You’re right – having parents who believe in you and encourage you to be happy doing whatever you want to do is rare. I had/have that too.
I also realised recently that having no pressure to be something in particular was wonderful. You know, I didn’t have to fit a certain type. Career, personal life, any of it. I was just allowed to go wherever I wanted with the instruction to “do my best at whatever I was doing”. I like that.
Those pictures took my right back to my own days looking at distant vistas from the back seat of the family sedan. I thought the snapshots were dumb then, now I see how valuable they are because they capture a time gone forever – as are my parents. Thank you for joining the rest of us in remembering and honoring the pictures they took and lives they led. Ann