Flea Market Fun with Eddie Ross!
by habituallychic
09 . 28 . 08 I would have been happy with receiving just an email from Top Design contestant and Martha Stewart Living Senior Style Editor, Eddie Ross, but to go to the flea markets with him was a both a treat and an honor! Eddie is so amazingly talented and knowledgeable that I joked that I was learning from The Master but it really was the truth! Luckily, we got to take a few photos and enjoy the outdoor flea market at 39th and 9th before the deluge began!
Eddie, not surprisingly, had already done a walk-thru before we arrived and had started making a pile! His partner Jaithan, who also couldn’t have been sweeter, joked that when they are driving Eddie can spot a tag sale and be out the door and have things under his arm before anyone else is even out of the car and I believe it! It was amazing watching him find things that the rest of hadn’t even seen! You gotta dig!
Not only does he find things that others over look but he thinks outside the box so a ceiling light fixture could become a cake plate if placed on top of a vase! He is a creative genius!
Some of Eddie’s purchases included a fabulous bar cart and Christmas ornaments because he’s already thinking about his holiday decorations! Somehow this doesn’t surprise me!

Another good rule of thumb is to think about a price that you are willing to spend on an item before you inquire as to how much they are asking. When I saw this fabulous box of gold Greek key bordered china from Heinrich & Co. of Bavaria Germany in a box on the floor, I was a little nervous as to what the dealer was going to say so when he replied $40 it was a no brainer! (I think I might have gotten an Eddie special though since he’s a regular!) There were 10 dinner plates, 11 bread/dessert plates, 8 tea cups, 4 saucers, two different sized bowls and a creamer. More than you could ever get new for $40! The only problem is that I’m obviously missing some pieces and I can’t figure out what pattern it is yet on Replacements Limited. If anyone knows or can figure it out, I would be eternally grateful!

I also bought a few other odds and ends including these chic gold cuff links for $10! I might give them to the Bachelor or save them for someone else who might appreciate their elegant simplicity. I also found an old book entitled Furniture and Decoration from 1941 for only $7 and a few accessories for the Bachelor Pad.
All in all, it was a fun and educational day and I want to thank Eddie Ross for being so gracious and sharing all his secrets! I always say that the people I’ve met are the best part about blogging but it’s really true! We have to wait until November to see who wins Top Design but it’s clear that Eddie is already a winner in my book!!!
you are so lucky to have gotten out with eddie ross! with the right shades(which you always have no problem in finding), that marble table lamp would be just gorrrrgeous! and oh my gosh, i am drooling over those flatwares! you did an amazing job 🙂
Love the dinnerware! Seriously so jealous…
Lucky girl! For me it’s a dream just to be at a flea market I’m not even talking about being there with Eddie Ross! I really miss flea marketing here in Hong Kong. they have markets here but the items all Asian (I’m not to much into it) and mostly all faked old from the mainland.
cannot wait this coming January when we’re going to visit Florida!
oh super jealous, they both sound like so much fun to hang out with. it always so fun to be around creativity because it honestly rubs off on others and is infectious, like glitter 🙂
fun day- love the china!
Heinrich is well know porcelaine over here in Germany. The set that I got for my wedding is Heinrich, too and although it is 38 years old now it is still pretty and looks good with real silver (or in my case plated. good purchase!
Gina from Germany
Sounds like you had the best time. Going to flea markets has always been one of my most favorite past times. It’s so exciting to dig up old treasures and reinvent them. Hayley
It was so much fun spending the day with you Heather! I can’t wait to do it again!!! Enjoy all of your finds! The photo of the tea cup on the book…….PERFECT!!!!!!!
Have a great week!
Eddie Ross
hey! great post…. you know the best place to see and learn about flatware is the ground floor of Michael C Fina. I registered there and they have an amazing array of flatware and extremly knowledgable sales staff the can tell you what each piece is.
You and Eddie found some fabulous items. Equally fabulous is your handbag–Eddie showcased it well on his blog? Would you please share the designer? Is it MJ?
I looked on ebay under Heinrich and the word gold. I didn’t find your pattern, but you should check there periodically or set up an automatic search. Rosenthal has a number of cool gold patterns from the ’50s – ’70s that have wonderfully modern yet classical shapes, which would complement your set. There’s also a silver pattern called Etruscan by Gorham that has a Greek key motif, it would go well with you china. I find china and silver is cheaper on Ebay than Replacements.
Dear Ms. Chic,
I have a real china obsession, so I am drooling over your find this week. I find that a nice dish even makes my morning oatmeal a happier event. Enjoy!!
Eddie =s’ Adorable. And inspiring!
If you send a photo of your china to Replacements they can tell you what it is. (Be sure to photograph the markings too!) Then you can choose to buy it there or on ebay but at leasst you will have the official name,
I live in Germany, well not really because i moved to Vienna but I am German. If you send me a good and more clear foto of the gold design and the hight and diameter of the poieces you are missing I will see what i can do. I’m a flea market lover myself and collect old chinaware. So I might be able to help you. regards from sunny vienna, erika
ps: and take a foto of the bottom. there should be the stamp of the manufacturing company.
great post and what awesome finds! eddie has inspired me to start collecting too and i just picked up the beginning of my collection yesterday – i’m so excited an am planning a big reveal post on my blog 🙂 i love gold so i’m absolutely in love with your china.
Love those lamps, and the china, too. It is so plain and classic that it will be easy to mix with other pieces, even some over the top florals that happen to have a gold rim…
I’m so jealous of you!! A trip with Eddie Ross is priceless with all this knowledge!
You must share more of what you learned, and if you find a book on china and flatware, do tell!
Love the pics of your apartment re-do, keep up the amazing work!
I loved those lamps when he posted them last week so I’m glad that you snatched them up!
and THAT CHINA! gorgeous.
Lucky girl! I am glad you had a great day with Eddie Ross and scored some fantastic finds.
Incredibly jealous of you right now! Oh how I want to go to the flea market… but alas, I must study… my degree is JUUUUUST out of reach. le sigh.
Sarathira – thanks! I was just thinking that I have to lug the heavy marble lamps, or at least one, to the shade store to find something soon! I could have bought so much more but it’s rent time you know!
Suzy – I think I might use it to style the bachlor pad for photos. It was such an amazing find for $40!!! If you come to NYC, I’m definitely taking you to the flea market!
Irina – I can just imagine all the fabulous things you can find in Florida! Good luck!
Mackenna – being around creative people is amazing! Sometimes they see something you didn’t think of and vice versa. I love it!
Maison21 – someone said it looked very Kelly Wearstler which made me think of you! You too have to come and visit and go flea marketing!
Gina – Lucky you! I could never figure out what china I would want for my wedding so I’m glad I found this. Maybe I can get a complimentary pattern to fill it out!
Hayley – the things you can find at such low prices amazes me! It’s even better outside of NYC!
Eddie – thanks for a wonderful day!!! I will treasure my finds and think of you always when I look at them or use them! You are the best!!!
Anonymous – I don’t think as a single girl that I want to depress myself by looking at china by myself! But thanks for the suggestion. I really need to find a book!
Anonymous #2 – it is old Marc Jacobs Stam Hobo in the mouse color. I’ve had it for two years and it probably should be retired soon but it’s such a great bag. Although, a little heavy. You might be able to find one of ebay!
Plaid – thanks for the suggestions. I wonder if my set is rare or something. I am going to obsess about it until I find the name you know!
CB – I used one little plate this morning and I felt very chic! I’m glad I redecorated my apartment so it now goes with my sophisticated new china!
Dana – I’m going to do that! Thanks for the suggestion!
Erika – that is too sweet of you! The number 1723 on the bottom doesn’t seem to coorespond with a pattern I found on the internet. It’s very weird.
Kay – can’t wait to check it out!
Mary – I’m sure I’m going to be obsessed with china now!
Lindsb – I told Eddie that he should write one so if he doesn’t, maybe I should! I’ll keep you posted if I find anything though!
Jennifer – it was kismet!
BA – I do consider myself very lucky! Eddie is a treasure!
The Vintage Chair – make time! It’s so fun!!!
Heather…first off, you both look fabulous. Secondly, I’m so jealous…we’re headed to Paris next week and I would so love to have either one of you scurrying about the market for treasures with me. Big, big fan of Eddie Ross, thanks for sharing your day with us. What great finds.
Have a beautiful week!
Garrison – if you would like to buy me a ticket, I would be happy to sour the Paris flea market for fabulous find for you!!! Ha! Seriously though, my best advice to look high and look low. Dig through things to find the buried treasure! Bonne Chance!!!
Garrison – if you would like to buy me a ticket, I would be happy to sour the Paris flea market for fabulous find for you!!! Ha! Seriously though, my best advice to look high and look low. Dig through things to find the buried treasure! Bonne Chance!!!
Wow! Sounds like the best day ever! This post has reignited my interest in the Alameda flea market we have here. I had stopped going because everything seemed overpriced and not too special, but now I know to really dig (probably need to get there earlier, too). Thanks for sharing!
HC – I was raised with a father that worked full time during the week and on the weekends sold at the flea markets to make extra money for his eight children! So when I saw this post..it made me smile!
We are all collector’s of “something”….for me it is pottery, tin and primary colored plastic toys.
For some of my sibs it is handmade wooden boxes, vintage jewelry and works of art.
we were raised to be flea market smart
Awesome post – love the lamps and super-love the china.
Oh, can I just be you for a day!
I love that you are still shopping in spite of the market crashing further down. Decorators must unite!
Looks like a fun trip…. green with envy here!
Looks like you guys had a blast!
I am SO jealous! SO SO JEALOUS!
Love the lamps. Total score!
Omg! I’m dying here. I was at Hell’s Kitchen Flea market as well on Saturday. I can’t believe I didn’t get to spot my favorite blogger. I’m looking at the pictures of Eddie thinking oh my god I saw all that stuff too! The funny thing is due the drizzle we also headed to the antique garage. It was alot of fun. I loved all the costume jewelry. Me and my sister’s walked all over and used all our new Rachel Zoe(isms) such as, I die and Banana’s. My sister even went back on Sunday and discovered there was an additinal floor at the antique’s garage. I’ll have to make another trip to check it out. I love you blog and i’m so inspired by you. I am trying to break into the design world and I love seeing how you made it happen!
I tried to send this comment earlier and it seems to have vanished into cyberspace — hope it doesn’t get published twice.
Loved reading both posts (yours and Eddie’s) today – you are so “habitually chic”. I habituate the flea markets on Sunday looking very unchic!
Just wanted to suggest several books on accoutrements pour la table. Sometime in the recent past, the Cooper Hewitt presented an exhibit examining the history of cutlery and dining. The catalog is available: “Feeding Desire: Design & The Tools of The Table”. Peri Wolfman and Charley Gold have several books that may be helpful in your education: “The Perfect Setting” and “Forks, Knives & Spoons”. Also, truly a one volume encyclopedia – “Home Comforts” by Cheryl Mendelson. It is full of all kinds of information — everything and anything to educate yourself on “the art and science of keeping house.”
SOOOO excited to have found your wonderful blog. I’ll never miss another post. 🙂
If you have a chance, I’d love for you to stop by mine (theletteredcottage.blogspot.com)sometime!
Thanks for sharing the great photos of you Eddie! Looks like you had a blast.
The Lettered Cottage
M. Bibelot – I always thought the New York flea markets were expensive but there are definitely bargains to be had everywhere. If you go late in the day, you can sometimes find an even better deal since the vendors don’t want to lug everything back home!
Susan – what a fun and educational childhood that must have been! I have loved flea markets all my life too!
I Love Upstate – thanks! I’ve already been using the china and loving it!
PVE – I don’t think I will ever give up my shopping!
Decorpad – it was such a blast!!!
Belle – it was such a wonderful day! I feel very lucky!
Haute Decor – I can’t wait until I have time to find a shade!!!
Camila – we were out on Sunday but I might take a quick trip to the garage on Saturday. Maybe I will see you there!
S. Adler – not sure why it didn’t post the first time. Sorry! I can’t wait to check out your seuggestions! Thanks!
What a treat to see pictures of your day. You found some great bargains, I especially love those lamps.
You are tres talented too! Looks like a great time was had by all!!
I love your blog! What fabulous finds! I’m sure you both had an incredible time together! Do you know of any great flea markets in the south (anywhere in TN, GA, SC, NC, FL)? Or do you have any suggestions about finding some? Keep up the great work! You are so talented! Oh, how’s the bachelor pad coming along?
This is FANTASTIC! What a great day to spend at the market. You look really FAb too 🙂 As always.
I am so glad you and Eddie were able to enjoy some successful treasure-hunting at HKFM! 🙂
You have fabulous taste! I would love to go flea-marketing with you any time! I am very excited to be back in NYC for good next week, I have been craving some good flea market and thrift store treasures, here in FL it’s much harder to find good loot!
How much fun!!!