Apartment Upgrade
by habituallychic
08 . 04 . 08 Remember Michael Bargo and his spectacular studio from Domino magazine? Well, turns out he’s upgraded to a one bedroom and took the New York Times along on a shopping trip. Michael also used to work for Thomas O’Brien and Aero Studios who are having a great sale right now. Check the old apartment below and the sale at the store on Broome Street!
Very cool and inspiring.
I just love spaces like this, when every part of the space is working but it still has an overall sense of stylish ease. And that bathrobe is excellent!
no way they are having a sale!!? I was just in there last Thursday…did the sale just start? I’m a little obsessed with his store right now!
Will be interesting to see how the upgrade goes – is pretty fabulous to begin with!!
What really makes this space hang together so well are the subtle repetitions: big graphic numbers, similar style and color picture frames/mats/artwork and the touches of greenery to give it life. No overdone flower arrangements to overwhelm the eye.
Just moved my almost twenty-three year to Manhattan from Chicago (returned this evening). We had fun at places like Ikea and West Elm. Her entire apartment is the size of my dining room — which isn’t huge. How fitting to return home and find this post! It is inspiring to see what can be done with a small space.
love it- very crisp and cool
I love the kitchen.
I’m so excited to see a sketch! I adore seeing other designers sketches and outlines. Thanks for including that in today’s post!
Is this one of those tiny apartments you have mentioned whose cost would equal the mortgage of my 2700 sq.ft. house here in Georgia?!
I love it! I love to see the creative and beautiful things people do with small spaces.
this is by far one of my favorite studio apartments.