Christopher Draghi: Photographer Extraordinaire
by habituallychic
07 . 28 . 08 I love meeting people who are passionate about their work, especially those involved in art and design and this past weekend I had the pleasure of meeting two such wonderful people. The first was a private art consultant who paid her dues and now has an enviable life, in addition to being the sweetest person I’ve ever met. She and I are going to collaborate on a future blog post and I can’t wait to learn more about the New York art world from her!
The second was my new favorite photographer, Christopher Draghi. I was first introduced to his work when I stopped by Flair and have been smitten ever since. His photographs of statues from Florence and the Louvre are so beautiful that they seem to come to life. In fact one reader thought one of them was a real person! So I was even more surprised that photography is not his main focus and that he actually has a day job in addition to many other side projects. If the rest of them are as good as his photography, then the world of art and design is one lucky place!
Love his statues and animals! Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful! I love black and white photography! Can hardly wait to see who the art consultant is, and read the article you two will do.
Wonderful! I love black and white photography. The sculptures are magical!
I can hardly wait to find out who the art consultant is, and for the article you two will do together.
Absolutely stunning! I understand the comment by someone who said it looked like an actual person, the angles and the lighting and contrast is so dramatic and beautiful. When you posted about Flair awhile back – that is the first thing I noticed in the vignettes – this artwork and immediately looked online at the artist site. I want some!!! I can’t wait to see what you two come up with!
Beautiful – thank you for sharing. I love the tones of those first shots – absolutely stunning.
Beautiful – thank you for sharing. I love the tones of those first shots – absolutely stunning.
Wonderful work !! These photos are all very meaningful