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tagged with the term flowering branches

Are you sick of snow yet? I know I am. I don’t remember the last time it snowed so much in New York. I guess it is one good way of getting most people to stay home in a global pandemic though. One thing that’s helping me get through are flowering branches. Those are quince […]

Happy Easter

03 . 26 . 16

‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Photo by me via Instagram


04 . 05 . 15

‘Twas Easter-Sunday. The full-blossomed trees Filled all the air with fragrance and with joy.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Dreaming of Spring

12 . 29 . 14

Sorry for the lack of posts the last two days.  The power cord on my laptop fried and I couldn’t face the Apple store craziness until today. I know a lot of you are on holiday and traveling so it seems like a good time to keep things light anyway. I will definitely have a […]

Springtime in New York

04 . 21 . 13

Sometimes I get annoyed with bloggers who post all their instragram photos on their blog since most of the time I’ve already seen them.  I try not to do it myself but I know some of you don’t follow me and therefore you are missing out on my photos of springtime in New York.  It […]