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There are 3 posts
tagged with the term bicycles

Bon Weekend

05 . 31 . 13

My first day in Paris involved a little rain that later turned into a heavy shower. I’m glad I got out and about around Saint Germain and the Louvre before it sent me back to my hotel for warmth.  I usually don’t like to photograph people but some of these are my favorites since they […]


07 . 25 . 12

“Melancholy is incompatible with bicycling.”  – James E. Starrs Photo via Russian Tattler

I can’t help but think how cute and chic bicycle riders look in New York and Europe. It makes me want to buy a bike but since I live uptown where the traffic is heavier, I’d probably be flattened by a bus or a cab the minute I took off! I’ll leave the pedaling to […]