Cravan Cocktail Bar in Paris
by habituallychic
08 . 08 . 23
If you search for Cravan bar in Paris, the first one that will probably come up is the original location in the 16th arrondissement. But recently Franck Audoux, the co-founder of Le Chateaubriand and Cravan owner, has partnered with Moët Hennessy on a second larger Cravan location in the heart of Saint-Germain. The French who always seem to have a book with them with surely appreciate the book filled library interiors.
According to the LVMH website, “The bar takes its name from Arthur Cravan, a poet and boxer known as a precursor of the Dada and Surrealist movements. CRAVAN’s art de vivre unfolds on three cocktail bars across four levels in a charming Parisian building reimagined by Belgian designer Ramy Fischler. Each floor in the building features different ambiances inspired by art, fashion, cinema or literature. There is also a bookstore run in partnership with the famous New York publishing house Rizzoli. The bars are staffed by cocktail experts – many of them artisans turned mixologists – whose passion and savoir-faire embody the soul of CRAVAN, ready to delight and counsel visitors.”
“It is with great pride that we open the doors of CRAVAN, bringing to life Moët Hennessy’s mission of crafting memorable experiences. I’m delighted to begin welcoming our guests in the heart of historic literary neighborhood of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, inviting them to step into the unique and singular universe of CRAVAN. This exceptional venue is a strategic milestone in Moët Hennessy’s ambition to lead the future of luxury wines and spirits.”
— Philippe Schaus, President and CEO of Moët Hennessy
Book your reservations here and tell them a chic American sent you.