Aerin Lauder in Summer to Summer: Houses by the Sea
by habituallychic
08 . 21 . 20
I think I mentioned Jennifer Ash Rudick’s new book Summer to Summer: Houses by the Sea in an earlier post but I just came across this new look at Aerin Lauder’s house in East Hampton from the book on the House & Garden website. I got to see some of this special Greek Revival house that belonged to Aerin’s grandmother Estée Lauder at an event in 2013 so it was fun to see if anything had changed. While Mark Hampton was the original designer, Daniel Romualdez was called upon to freshen the house up for Aerin and her family making it chic yet comfortable.
To read more, check out the House & Garden website or pick up a copy of Summer to Summer: Houses by the Sea. It would make a perfect hostess gift too.

Photos by Tria Govan for Summer to Summer: Houses by the Sea (Vendome) by Jennifer Ash Rudick.