Cecil Beaton’s Reddish House for Sale
by habituallychic
06 . 22 . 20
There have been many overblown stories about how everyone is leaving New York. While some people have already moved away, there is no mass exodus. But if you are looking to get out, let me recommend moving to England and buying Cecil Beaton’s old abode Reddish House. The 16th-century Queen Anne style English country house has seen some illustrious guests including Greta Garbo, David Hockney, Truman Capote, and even the Queen Mother. The £4,000,000 price gets you 6 acres of gardens and grounds and multiple outbuildings including cottages to house all your visiting friends and family. The only drawback is that the front garden lies across the road but that also means no one will be building a McMansion to block your view. If you’d like to read a wonderful in depth description of the historic development of Reddish House, click here. It looks like the perfect place to ride out the rest of the pandemic so make your offer asap.

For a look at Reddish House and Cecil Beaton’s other homes, pick up Cecil Beaton at Home: An Interior Life.

Cecil Beaton used the Entrance Hall as a dining area early on after buying Reddish House.

Photos via Savills and House & Garden.